• there's a romance blooming but it hasn't gotten physical yet.
  • Emotional cheating is having an intense emotional relationship with someone other than your boyfriend/girlfriend, finace, or husband/wife. The type of relationship where you tell that person things you wouldn't tell anyone else(including your partner), and confide in them moreso than your partner. ...Where they emotionally comfort you and you them. Basically, it is having every part of an intimate romantic relationship without the physical parts...though it often leads to this.
  • Emotional cheating is: Flirting "harmlessly" with people of the opposite sex. Having lunch or drinks after work with members of the opposite sex. Discussing your work problems thoroughly at work, leaving nothing to talk about with your spouse. Sharing jokes and gossip with colleagues or friends of the opposite sex, not with your partner. Spending as much time buying the right gift for a colleague of the opposite sex as you do for your spouse. Sharing intimate issues with people other than your partner.
  • There is an attraction, but so far neither has acted on it. When a spouse places his or her primary emotional needs in the hands of someone outside the marriage, it breaks the bond of marriage just as adultery does. An emotional affair can be just as dangerous to a marriage [as a sexual affair], and often a more complicated situation to remedy. Read more: "How Emotional Cheating Starts: 6 Common Mistakes That Lead to Lack of Intimacy & Infidelity |" -
  • The beginning of physical cheating.
  • More dangerous then a 1 night stand. My husband had 2 emotional affairs that cost me big money (cell phone bills) and he never spent time with me. Always slept on the couch cause he "just feel asleep". Found out about both of them (1 lasted a year and the other 6 months). The trust is gone. I think I would of rather him have a 1 night stand with a stranger!

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