• Quite possibly, and it's up to you to put it to the test. Have fun.
  • Before you decide to tell your should find out if you really are gay. I mean why tell them if its not nesesary... my best advice is fool around a bit, see if a womens touch does something for u...
  • Lil One is right. You need to explore whats out there and if you realize that women aren't for you then you would have told your parents for nothing. There is only one way to find out and don't be ashamed either! Just do what you feel is right and you can't go wrong! Best of Luck!
  • I would figure out the first question first. If you're worried about how your parents will react, you want to make sure that you're confident of who you are before you tell them -- they may be upset, but don't underestimate the impact that you're being confident and happy will have on them.
  • What's your reason for telling them? Some sort of reaction? Are they too busy for you? Do you miss their care and concern? Women are nurturers by nature are you sure you are not attracted to their naturing side. Sexual feelings can be under the disguise of being wanted-needed and loved has your relationships with men turn you towards women instead? Think about these points and reflect before you jump into another messy relationship.;)

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