• your agreement is with contractor . he's got to go after the sub, or get whatever it is fixed.
  • Definitely the guy you signed with. You should not even discuss it with the sub.
  • Definately the general contractors job to make it right.
  • The general contractor is responsible. It's perfectly fine for a general contractor to delegate some or all of their contractual duties to subcontractors, but the general contractor runs the risk of the subcontractor screwing up. In such a case, your recourse is against the general contractor. If you win, and the general contractor has to pay you, he can then go after the subcontractor to recover whatever he paid you. So, if all goes as it's supposed to (to the extent possible when there's been a breach of contract in the first place), the party that's ultimately responsible - the subcontractor - will be the one bearing the cost in the end.
  • Both. Its like if a police officer makes a mistake, the government can also be sued.

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