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  • I guess you would have to prove things to him, which would be really crippling for his ego, when he says something go on the internet look it up, and print it out. Its a kinda in your face response, but living in the world of information there is no excuse for ignorance if your relatively intelligent.
  • Just give him blowjobs to keep him happy. ;-)
  • Shave his head while he sleeps.
  • I don't know...I can't stand people like
  • It's not whether he's a know it all, the question is simple, is he right about things. If he's WRONG, then you have a problem. You should start proving to him that he's full of crap and does not know what he is talking about. If he is right then you must talk with him. Tell him that he is special because he has such a good intellect and other abilities. Although it's great to be smart it's a double edged sword. Tell him that he can chase people away if he doesn't learn to just shut up some times. Some people do it because they don't realize they do know a lot and just talk. Some people need the constant admiration and slap on the back for knowing things. It's about ego and maybe in reality he has a low self esteem.
  • I would get rid of the fool. I can't someone like that. I worked with one a few years back.
  • Maybe gently try to explore with him, what is it about for him - always needing to have the answers. What does being "right" mean for him? Is it a fear of losing control to others? Being seen as 'weak' or less than perfect?.....
  • give him a puzzle and see how fast he can solve it,and of coarse you have to give him a time limit on it,because he is a know it all.Try a sudoku puzzle that might shut his fucking mouth and have some time to respect you I hope it works for you,believe me he will pull in his horns when he try's to solve it fast,he won't do it.
  • Find clever, rude, "know-it-all" retorts?
  • Why should he change? He's got you.
  • Absorb only that knowledge that you want. The rest?!. . .Like water off a duck's back!
  • Didn't you know? With guys like that it's his way or the high way. It's your choice.
  • You choose him, now you have to live with it.
  • I'd be moving out, NOW. If you think it bothers you now, just wait until you have more time invested or until you get married. I was looking for Mr. Right too. What I got was Mr. Always Right! Making fun of him is the only way to preserve your sanity. No one is right all the time. No one! Otherwise, it would be 'world-wide breaking news'.
  • Out smart him on and beat him at his own game.
  • well the best thing you can do is let him be right. after a long period of no objections he'll probably have no reason to be a know it all because you act as if you dont care anyway.
  • Hey! Are you saying that I'm hard to live with?....;-D... . .
  • I'd move out. That would be intolerable to would drive me nut and I'd avoid being at home with him..anything to escape the noise and the ego. Happy Sunday! :)
  • Ask *him*! He should know... ;-) And if not, here is what he could make for you (here from the view of a know-it-all wife): "This kind of problem usually indicates a very passive, non- communicative husband. She's had to answer for him if any type of communication was to occur between them. However, after awhile he interprets this method as a put-down. I suggest that with this type of person you: 1) direct questions to him in a loving, accepting manner to draw him out; 2) wait for him to express himself; 3) praise him for each genuine idea he expresses. List the ways you have contradicted your husband lately and make a silent promise to forsake them in the future. Each time you are tempted to contradict him in front of someone, step into his shoes and imagine the embarrassment he will feel."

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