• Aesop: my absolute favorite and probably the most practical of moralists. I love "The Fox and the Grapes" fable and have used it throughout my life as a mediator between my lofty ambitions and my crash back to acceptance of reality. Short story even shorter: A fox sees some grapes hanging from a vine high above the ground. He jumps several times toward them but never comes close. He then turns away and says, "Well, they were probably sour anyway." Moral: It is easy to despise what you can't get.
  • The man the boy and the donkey. When the boy rides, people criticise because he is lazy, when the man rides, people say he is cruel for making his boy walk. When both ride, people say they are cruel for making the beast suffer. When neither ride, they are told they are stupid, for having a donkey and not riding it. Moral: you can't play to crowd opinion.
  • The Wind and the Sun. I like the moral, which is kindness effects more than harshness.

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