  • I love it! I think its an amazing form of art that not nearly enough people can do well. I have been trying to do it for a while now, but my stuff only looks good on paper.
  • if it looks nice i dont really have a problem with it if its on public property. if it looks bad i dont like it.
  • I always think that it is a pity that so much talent is wasted on meaningless activity that costs so much for someone else to clean up. I have these strange dreams (Martin Luther King-ish) that one day these taggers will think: how can I use this for goodness and offer their services to cheer up the walls of schoolrooms, prisons,and tired old walls everywhere.
  • I think it sucks, and that people should find other outlets to showcase their artistic talent. Defacing buildings, public or private, costs people money, and it looks ghetto.
  • It belongs to the art gallery, not on the street.
  • certain types of graffiti is cool..such as an artist commisioned to 'deface" a wall-but with permission..but tagging, which is a form of "gang" considered an eyesore in various U.S. it commuter trains or a fence-ive seen it all..even a car was vandelised by simple tagging
  • If it's done with the permission of the property owner then it can be very beautiful.
  • I don't like tagging, as it really seems mindless and more like vandalism, but at the same time, graffiti is really an art form, and I would like to be that skilled with spray can control. There are some amazing art works on our train lines in Melbourne (I have read that Melbourne is a destination for graffiti artists).
  • On paper, canvas, online or in a gallery I think it can look great. On public property, trains, bridges, walls, buildings - I think it is pure vandalism and the people who deface in this way are criminals.
  • As a person who has to clean it up as part of my job, I think it is both a waste of their time and mine. I find it very immature, and a with some of them, it is a waste of a very obvious artistic talent that would be better used in a class room.
  • I think graffiti and tagging can be a beautiful display of art, but it's wrong to tag someone else's property without their knowledge and permission (but it's still beautiful.)
  • I like free form art on buildings but I can't say I appreciate graffiti or tagging when done without permission.
  • It can sometimes be ugly, but then so can a lot of things be. I love the graffiti art of Banksy.
  • I admire the art, and can even see where people are coming from wanting people to know their name. I can appreciate the art, but the ones who just decide to write their name terribly on doors and things just to be destructive, irritate me.
  • I wish that people (who seem to be quite talented) deface other people's property. if there was a place to showcase this art without causing financial loss, that'd be best!
  • i love it.i think its a form of art and people should be able to put it wherever they want.[well maybe not on peoples houses] And without it the world would look pretty boring. who wants to live in a perfect clean world. seems pretty damn boring to me. And for all people who say its "disgusting" "defacing property" you need to go pull that stick out of your ass. go live in a box. a nice safe boring clean little box. And besides some people spray pant some awesome stuff. i mean some people spray paint useful stuff like bands you can check out and websites about politics. theres some things you people should check out.
  • graffiti the is unapreciated artform
  • I Love graffiti...i just think of it as art...just like any other painting done by any other artist.
  • Beutiful artwork but I don't want my place tagged...
  • Some graffiti is artistic and skilled and witty, but most of it isn't. Tagging is proof that some moron with a spray can knows which way round the nozzle goes. Taggers get off far too lightly and should be made to clean up their mess and everyone else's as well! With their tongue.
  • I think its awesome, art is still art.
  • i think its beautiful. scrow the whole talk about how it destroying public proberty. if they feel the need to graffiti and tagging then they should do it.
  • Depends. I love the artistic quality of the real murals that taggers create. I love it when there is a positive message that comes through with it. As far as tagging just to vandalize, that's incredible stupid and really tacky. It's a crime and should be treated that way.
  • I appreciate both for they are one way a person can express themselves without going through established channels. Art Museums and galleries, even those that show cutting edge work, are still products of the culture that establishes what is the norm. Unfortunately not all taggers are concerned with their work as art and see the artifact they've left behind as an indicator of status and demarcation. Yet when done consciously graffiti art and tagging are both relevant and interesting contributions to our culture. This may be tangentially related, but if you are interested in outsider art there is a wonderful website that features video and pictures of street art, graffiti, art by the homeless and more. It is maintained by the Wooster collective in New York. "The Wooster Collective was founded in 2001. This site is dedicated to showcasing and celebrating ephemeral art placed on streets in cities around the world."
  • i think graffiti is art and the people expressing themselves through it shouldnt be punished and their work shouldnt be destroyed. i think graffitit is art and usually it looks really cool but for all you stupid people out there that just scribble something that looks realyl bad u should stop, put some color into it, or put your thoughts into it, dont just do iti because its cool and as for everyone that votes for what our taxes should go to dont vote to clean up graffiti because guess what? its gonna be back there in a week or two, and besides it gives better artists a chance to cover up the bad looking graffiti and make it look cool. personally i think graffiti is another way to express yourself and a really interesting cool looking way too, just like writing or painting on an easel, so dont get all pissed off at the people that do it, just chill out, relax, and really look at it. its pretty awesome.
  • Some graffiti is good. Ie the kind that you look at and go wow that must have taken ages. I like the ones that are done on big bridges and subways, however i really dislike the kind of graffiti that has givin this 'art' a bad name. The kind that has random words written on a random wall, the engraved swear word on the fence post, that kind of thing i dont like.
  • It is rude and disrespectful to whomever owns the property. If someone wants to artify an oject he better own it or get permission first. Spray painting train cars and buldings and beautiful rocks out in the country are destroying not creating. It is terrorism with a can. I have thought that some have been gret artists but only when it is done on a surface meant for such art, and not painting over someone's business or car without permission.
  • I think it is destruction of property. It costs BIg dollars every year to property owners and municipalities, "Taxpayers" to remove it. I think that if they want to display their "Art", they should either put in on canvas, or buy their own building and just paint all over it !! I also feel that if they are caught , they should be forced to pay restitution for any damages as well as serve community service and / or jail time,if it is a repeat offense.
  • i like it
  • GRAFFITI IS ART. Public space should be usable by the public. Graffiti is not destruction, only changing the appearance of something.
  • artistic graffiti is where a young person is putting up a mural, picture or something that identifies them to others... Tagging is place a spray can mark or symbol of a person, group, gang etc on a wall... These become the eye sores on buildings, trains & streets..
  • Some of it is amazingly artistic
  • Good graffiti is art and makes otherwise ugly back alleys look nicer, it can be done legally, some people hire such artists to do murals. Tagging and bad graffiti looks trashy.
  • I appreciate it because I have never had to dislike it. That might be irresponsible, but it is the truth. I like street art, the conceptual kind is very unique and I appreciate it. I draw graffiti in my books but never on someone elses property.
  • I love it, me and my buddy both love tagging.
  • In New York i see it all over and I dont have a problem with it. In the bronx theres some brick walls that have been turned into very elaborate murals. I love art and Ive seen some very talented work. The only difference between graffiti and other art forms is that its more public. Art inspires art.. I love photography and Ive been very inspired by alot of work I've seen, that resulted in beautiful b/w photos. I think that if your willing to but your work out there then so be it. :D
  • I just had a look around the net at some images of graffiti and it looked very arty to me. I worked as a youth worker with some young graffiti artists who called themselves The Cold Stone Posse. They were expressing their feelings in pictures and these were on walls in their community. Young people can feel very dislocated from the rest of society. Expression is important to us all and this is one way where they felt they could get their feeelings seen. It wasnt liked by everyone though and caused conflict. Tagging is just lazy and intoverted.
  • I think some of the more primitive graffiti tags just look shabby, but some of the things that people take hours to do, actually look quite arty.
  • I think well done graffiti is an artform. Sure, it "distroys" other people's property, but that's part of the art of it. It's SO punk!
  • AWESME!!!!!
  • Tagging is just stupid. You might as well go around and piss on everything. Idiotic, not to mention gang affiliation. Graffiti art, as an actual project, is different. I like it when it's good and when it's on something like an underpass or some ugly wall where there's no interest, and if it's done as art, not as tagging. And NEVER on anyone's private property. Ever. That's back to pissing again.
  • Fun as f**k. I love it. I tag all day every day and always have at least a marker with me at all times. Makes bus rides more interesting. Makes using the bathroom more fun.
  • Great fun.
  • It's pure vandalism, which is why I love it. I get a rush tagging shit up whether its the metro bus, freeway signs, random walls, or even the school bathrooms.
  • Tagging is my favorite part of graffiti. There are places where graffiti looks like crap, and there is graffiti that looks like crap no matter where it is. But there's nothing better than an ugly wall or a dirty bathroom on a rusty train coverd all over with just tags. The subways in the 80's covered with colorful burners on the outside and with dripping tags on the inside, that's what I want.
  • To those of you who believe graffiti is vandalism, OPEN YOUR MINDS! You think it makes me happy to see construction of concrete buildings on top of what used to be beautiful land? If anything, the sight of a plain old grey wall gives me immediate inspiration to paint that sucker up. And then once the graffiti is removed now there is just a big random square that does not match the original color of the wall.... wow now that wall is so much more attractive. Graffiti that is bad will be covered by other graffiti artist in time. Graffiti is cheap, Im not about to spend 100 dollars just to get a basic set of acryllic paint. The world is a canvas to artist. Think for yourself. Why conform to what the government wants?
  • Not my cup of tea, some people are really good at it and can make great art, some are terrible who shouldn't try to graffiti. I'm the latter, so I don't try.
  • Tag artists(the good ones) have an AMAZING TALENT and creative ability! I like tag art. I think of graffiti more like a disrespectful mess. EX: Anarky Rulz on the grain elevator

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