• That's weird...1 yr. apart isn't much at all. He probably just doesn't want to go out w/ you. And you probably don't love him, and he doesn't love you if he won't go out with you. I've made that mistake before, too. Confusing love with being attracted. I could be wrong of course, but true love doesn't happen often in high school, especially by the sound of the situation. Just remember...there are plenty of guys out there who would love to go out with you who will treat you right. Good luck!
  • forget him. that's a lame excuse. it's hard to imagine these feelings passing but they do, and you will have not wasted more time on a person who is not meant for you. it was wrong of him to say LOVE if he can't overcome the opinion of his peers to ask you out. why else would it be "weird"? don't let him keep you hanging.
  • A year is no difference at all. This guy is being an idiot. My thinking is that if he loved you, it wouldn't matter at all. Be careful about this guy, sounds like a heartbreaker.

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