• You live in Florida, and its bloody April - do you really need a thermostat on at all??
  • pay them. smoke pot. idk lol, get new roommates? ask them if they can compromise at like 70 or like 72. that should work.
  • can't agree more!!! move to Cancun!, move to live alone! Find a warm girl!, you will never change ppl.
  • You can tell a minnesotan in Florida when it is December and 65 degrees out, because they are in shorts and sandles, while the natives are bundled up.
  • Try and compromise with your roommate. It seems like your situation is like mine: My father likes it FREEZING in our house, but the rest of us like it at a reasonable temperature; 72 or so. We went with majority rules. Pick a compromising temp, like 70 degrees. right in the middle of both of your comfort zones. :)
  • Get an electric blanket, I used one at one time in my life. It worked for me. Your body will get acclimated to the temperature eventually. Keep your roomies happy.
  • Shared living really sUcks at times....70-72 is usually the average temperature, try to go with that. Good Luck!!!
  • First get it through your head that to them it's too hot. Then and only then will you be ready to discuss a compromise with them.
  • think about this, when the temp is down you are uncomfortable right? that is how your room mates feel when the temp is up! the three of you need to work out a way for all of you to be comfortable. maybe a small A/C unit for their rooms and a heater for yours.
  • Majority rules! Buy a coat or live alone.
  • They're probably complaining about you right now and saying that you keep it too damned hot
  • Well 80 is too hot. Most people expect "room temperature" to be 70-75. I'd suggest a compromise. Better to be slightly warm or slightly cold than unbearable to either extreme.
  • Find new roormmates and when you interview them, ask them what temp they like to keep it in the house. It was a deal breaker for me when I had roommates! Edit-I didn't really answer your can't change their minds. What is "too damned cold" is a matter of opinion/preference and there's nothing you can do to change what they prefer.
  • If you're cold, put a blanket or warmer clothes on. If they're too warm, its not like they can take off their skin or anything to make that better. They're probably thinking the same thing about you and it being too damned hot.
  • PUT ICE DOWN THERE PANTS!!! ( that will proof to be fun =D )
  • I LOVE the cold. 67 is perfect. You need a new room mate
  • 67 is warm. 75-80 is hot. You're doing this behind their backs when they're asleep and running up their bills. If I had a roommate doing what you're doing, I'd find other living arrangements because they obviously didn't respect me. Are you sure you want to have roommates at all? You could be happier living alone, maybe getting a studio. Then you could turn it up as high as you like.
  • Who pays the heating bill?
  • If you are the only room mate that is cold, sleep with a blanket or find new room mates.
  • i live in florida too and your out of your mind. 67 is the perfect coldness. i turn down mine to 73 everyday.
  • If you are the only one that is cold, how can they get it thru YOUR head?? Get a blanket.

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