• Its the same as stealing something. The cops can have evidence on you but you don't want to admit it because of the penalty you will recieve from the act you commited. Or like a child that will get a spanking for disobeying they won't admit going into the cookie jar because of the negative out comes that will not be in their favor. Your boyfriend does not want to admit to you he cheated simply because he is afraid of what how you will react. Obviously because its something he's not proud of doing to admit he did it. Watch the television program called "Cheaters", and you'll see that your not the first in this type of situation. People are people it makes no difference what sex they are race they are or the status they have. And people commit wrong misdeeds.
  • becuase he knows youll be mad if you ever found out. But you already know... Lay whatever it is you found on the table...when he comes over or gets home...and dont say a word to him...hell havta explain it himself.... but dont say anything while he explains...just let him explain...see if he speaks truth, is truely sorry, and regrets every bit of it...and if it really ment nothing... or see if hes lying, trying to get out of it...and being shady. And when he is finished...make your decision...stay or go...i would def go if he tried to get out of it...cuz it will just happen again.
  • cuz he's a pussy and not a real man.
  • He went to the B Clinton school of romance. He would lie under oath to Congress about the affair despite DNA evidence to the contrary.
  • My boyfriend (now EX Im proud to say!!!) I caught him TWICE...the first time I read a comment fromm her on his Myspace and I even spoke with her on the phone. The second time (and the last straw) I read his text messages from another girl calling him "babe". And yep...he STILL denied it!!! Im convinced that if I were to actually catch him having sex with someone he would tell me I was dilusional!! It just blows me away how a guy can have enough balls to cheat but not have the balls to fess up...UGH!!!! Okay...thanks I feel better!!! LOL P.S. Once a cheater...ALWAYS a cheater!!!!!!!
  • It's because he's scared and is scared to loose what the two of you share, and doesn't want to face reality and risk loosing you.. Some men are cowards when they are caught cheating and such as he has to step up and face the music and realize that what he's done is wrong. That it hurt and you deserve answers.
  • Paris Review Summer, 2009 Gay Talese on infidelity. "Here's what people don't get. Sex is not that important. It isn't the most important thing in any relationship. Marriage is never about sex, and yet in American fiction so many stories and novels present a sexual dalliance ans an unpardonable sin. (In real life) I never thought that should be true. Marriage is the main event. These other relationships bring me into worlds I would otherwise not know. These relationships have helped our marriage. ..I think of all these people who get divorced over minor matters...I don't see how people can live in conventional marriages. " Gay Talese has a fifty year marriage with a very accomplished,independent and fiscally successful wife.

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