• Time zones?
  • California is beautiful. You will find everything here especially if you live in southern California. Beautiful beaches in summer, in hour drive you will see snow in winter you can go to Las Vegas in 3 hours. Hollywood you can see movie stars. Is so much to do here. This is the place to be i lived in california all my life and i went around the country to but there is no place like Cali.
  • California has a much greater variety of terrain. I don't know of any places to go skiing or mountain climbing in Florida whereas California has many of those. On the other hand, I don't think Florida has nearly the wild fire danger or water shortage that we do. In CA the major disasters are wildfires and earthquakes. In FL I think that the major ones are hurricanes.
  • Cost of Living in California is 10x higher than Florida. Florida does not have Earthquakes California is Democrat Florida is Republican Florida only has Property, 7% sales tax, and no income tax. California has very high taxes on almost everything. Califonia bans lots of stuff like guns, cars, etc. Florida allows this stuff. Florida has the Homestead Exemption, which protects your home from lawsuits and gives home owners a discount on the first $50,000 of the property value is untaxed. Florida Geography is Flat humid and rarely sees snow, California's long south to north coastline gives it a wide variety of climate and geography from Desert, to Mountains, to Redwood Forests, lush meadows, and everything in between except jungles. Florida has Miami Beach, California has Muscle Beach. Surfing on the Atlantic a mixed bag in Florida, but the Pacific provides some very, very, very large waves. California has a very robust agricultural business which grows just about everything you eat. Florida's agricultural output is nearly as big does too but does not grow as much variety. Florida has Walt Disney World, California has Walt Disney Land. Florida has the Famous Sunshine Skyway Bridge, California has the Golden Gate Bridge. California has Mexicans in Low Riders, Florida (Jacksonville and Center of State) has Rednecks in High Riding Big Foot Trucks. Florida has the Everglades, California has Death Valley. California has a China Town, Florida has a "Cuba Town". Everything is cheaper in Florida than California- Food, Clothing, Shelter, and Gasoline. Florida has Billy Mays (TV Infomercials), California Has Willie Mays (baseball) (To Be continued)
  • Despite their geographic locations, they're quite similar. Both have their share of natural disasters (hurricanes vs earthquakes), housing bubbles (go-go McMansions), political scandals, great weather, similar agricultural (behold the power of ORANGE) and media exports (music vs movies)...oh, and they're both intensely multicultural. They're quite similar on a socioeconomic scale, too. Florida is basically California-Lite, minus the hipsters and the mountains. And cheaper. I'd say Florida has more in common with California than any other state, and vice versa.
  • A lot of miles is about all.
  • Florida = geriatric population California = plastic population In between, there's only bullshit
  • DISNEY LAND!!!! :D :D :D better wine in california
  • Florida sucks and California is one of the best places in the country to live if you can afford to.

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