• Write it on your butt. He'll be looking there anyway.
  • How about you keep smiling at him until he gives you it himself? Other wise you could always reverse pickpoket him and bump into him and stick your number in his poket. Oh even better, walk right up to him and ask him to call you.
  • Thats a good point. I would be kind of dumbfounded if a girl just randomly gave me her number. Make sure that you know him, and that HE knows YOU. You don't really want to look stupid...or get shot down in front of him. Id say, dont give him your number until you're sure that he knows who you are. And if he doesn't, you could always go like this; "Hey, my name is _______, and well, I've noticed you around here the last few weeks, and I was wondering if maybe you would want to do something sometime. Here's my # if you're interested." Bam.
  • I gave my "crush" (who I'm also kinda friends with) my number today, actually (how ironic, right?). I was looking through his cellphone on the bus and I put my name/number in his address book. I handed his phone back to him and said "You have my number now." Then we talked a little bit more, and then he got off the bus. He called me like, 3 minutes later "just to test out the number" or whatever he said. Ha! Cute excuse...
  • just go straight up to him and say maybe we can do something sometime and hand it to him.
  • I think you're settin yourself up for disappointment. What if he does'nt call? Get to know him. Make small talk. See if he bites. Become friends. Guys know you're interested when ladies always act excited when they see them. Guys also love the touchy feely chicks. If he doesn't respond to that----he's not interested.
  • You should seem casual.Then take him a apart of the crowd and give him a note. Give him a hint of what's inside like "Give me a call" or " Txt me later". The note should have your number and name if he's not sure of it.
  • Make a paper chain with a paper locket that has your phone number inside. walk up to him and drop it around his neck and whisper "call me".
  • write it on a small piece of paper,as you pass him just give it to him,dont say a word.
  • Write it on a large peice of paper and say here is my number if you want to call me - if you put it on a small peice of paper - he will lose it because he is a guy

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