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  • YES! that happened to me. I had to take a breat, and the good ones came back!
  • Usually it is from extreme stimulation. If you are using something that stimulates you vigorously such as a very strong vibrator. It will cause you to be less sensitive and have weaker orgasms.
  • I'm masturbating since age 5. I am now 44 and still gowing strong. So my answer is NO. If you are having a problem make the area sensitive with something like Sani-Hands cloths.
  • Give it a break and I'm sure it will be back better than ever.
  • I don't know, but watching it makes mine better. LOL
  • That happens to me sometimes... Mine have always straightened out with time... If I go a few days without any... That usually gets me back to having the better O's
  • Any degree of over-stimulation can make the clitoris desensitized (almost calloused). Refraining from sexual stimulation for a couple days will usually return the prior level of sensation. If it doesn't promptly return to it's prior level of sensitivity, discontinue the use of any excessive stimulants such as vibrators and bullets or creams.
  • give masterbation a rest once in a while.let your sexual energy build up then enjoy the explosive pleasure your body will crave for by then.

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