• Yes we are, though it may be more cultural than biological. There's a great debate among anthropologists regarding contemporary human evolution. Some cultural anthropologists contend that biological evolution stopped about 50,000 years ago, and that cultural evolution has taken its place. Biological anthropologists, with recent studies using the human genome project, have found much more recent genomic changes in human populations. "Take the discovery last year by Bruce Lahn of the University of Chicago of two genes involved in brain development that emerged in recent human history and swept quickly through the population. One, a version of a gene called microcephalin, arose between 14,000 and 60,000 years ago and is now carried by 70 per cent of people. The other, a variant of the ASPM gene, is as recent as 500 to 14,000 years old and is now carried by about a quarter of the global population."
  • No humans R not still evolving becose they never evolved becose they were created by god and R perfect and donot need to evolve Is that clear- people who beliefe in evolutionR evil and i bet yous are all athiest.
  • I read recently that lactose tolerence (ie the ability to consume dairy products after infancy) was a recent adaptation, (last 3,000 years) and is traceable to European countries reliant upon dairy as a food source. So the answer is a resounding "YES!". Link is to NYTimes which you must register to read (free).
  • No. Personally, I don't believe we ever did evolve, at least, not literally as in the theory of evolution. I believe we're made of dirt. -In the service of the Master. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Humans have been around a very short time as a species compared to the earth itself.I believe that in a few thousand years the human species would not even be recognizable because out form would have changed so much.
  • We are evolving, but not for the better. The rise in the sophistication of technology will be cause a decline in human intelligence. We are DE-evolving. And as far as the creationist/evolutionist argument, the people that are rationale and understand the reality of evolution and the horeshit of creationism, you're wasting your typing finger energy. These fundies live in a box that will never open until there final hour. There is no reasoning with them, just ignore them and address the grown up topic.
  • Yes, I believe that humans are still evolving. Why? Because this can't even be the best it's going to get... lol
  • Wait, did you say that humans are perfect? Where could I meet these perfect humans? hahahaha! And please show me evidence for creation without using the bible. Edit: Damn! This was supposed to be a comment to Snoopy.
  • today a rocket is used to take humans in the near future it will be astral travelling only.
  • go to dr dino .com he is offerering $100,000 to anyone with solid evidence to support evelution. evelution is a theory not a fact while the bible has never been proven wrong don't put your faith in what others tell you do your own research

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