Yes, until I go to bed.
from 11 to 8 .. working hrs :)
Usually turned on as soon as I get up 8-9 am and not switched off till 1-2 am unless I know I will be getting fax's coming in though the day and will be gone, then PC is off.
Yes unless I am out!!
My PC is on like a week in a row. That's because I download stuff. And computer doesn't complain at all.
Yeah, it's on. I have a screensaver activated, but the hard drive is on.
yeah, i put it on sleep when i'm not home.
yeah, i just leave it on and go on with my business... ...i just refresh the pages i frequent every few hours or whenever i'm around.
Yes ... 24 /365.:)
No, maybe 12 hours a day.
Just when I'm home.
No. I put it in "sleep" mode when I know I'm going to be off for a few hours. Then I wake it up rather than turn it on. :)
Yes, it's always downloading something.
Yes, Mine is on 24 hours a day and online usually. If i shut it down or disconnect it takes to long to update everything like antivirus etc so i just leave it on all the time.
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