• Um... good looking, cute, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy (this was least to best) I prefer sexy, um, long hair same music interest, and good growth, If you know what I mean
  • I think you mean the "horse's mouth" This is derived from getting a tip on a horserace that is so good that it came from the "horse's mouth."
  • First of all: The "cows" mouth? Oh, jeez. Cute: Ugly but interesting (NOT my definition) Pretty: Attractive, sweet, wholesome. Beautiful: Stunning, vivacious, breath-taking Hot: Fake breasts
  • cute = sweet take her home to Mama (maybe) beautiful = can show her off at office function and maybe date her hot = DO NOT PASS GO MUST SCREW NOW not going home to mama no second date hell no first date if he meet her in a bar I am not a guy I just have a lot of guy friends
  • Can be different depending on who's saying it and the context. Hot would mostly be based on the shallow physical attractiveness (but not necessarily limited to that, just in general) Beautiful is downright stunning, but you can see/want to see more of the girl as a person. Pretty is similar to beautiful, but not as much to the extreme I suppose. Cute is also attractive, but there is also a larger attraction to the persons personality etc.
  • "Hot" implies a strong sexual, sensual attraction. "beautiful" can be applied to a woman who looks great, or even has a wonderful personality. "cute" girls would usually be younger and, perhaps perky. "pretty" also would be used with a younger girl, perhaps even with a pre-teen. When used to describe an adult, it would usually be a younger woman.
  • Beautiful for me is more on the inner aspects Pretty - physical. Combination of beauty and cute cute girls, looks fine & easy to look at Hot girls is someone guys want to look at!
  • Okay. I'm not a man, but for me, the definition goes as follows: Cute - girl next door type. She's not perfect, but there's just something quirky about her that makes her pretty - the quirk could be physical (such as features that aren't considered classically beautiful, but are pretty on her) or it could be part of her personality or interests. Also, she usually projects some level of innocence. Hot - this girl is sensual. She has charisma, sex appeal. She oozes sexuality and confidence in herself. Beautiful - usually physically perfect with 'classic' bone structure. Occasionally this physical perfection is accompanied by inner beauty - sunny disposition, kindness etc.
  • Alrighty, I'll bite. Cute - a mousy, quiet, but not entirely unattractive person. Pretty - A girl who is smartly dressed, and made-up just right. Beautiful - Audrey Hepburn looks, and a personality that's confident, but not arrogant. Hot - Overdone, plastic-surgery enhanced chick...
  • I'm not a cow but I'd give it a try anyway cute: baby face/ in a sisterly way/ not a hot body pretty: nice face/ pleasant looking hot: very attractive/ great body/ exciting beautiful: has self respect/ warm personality/ stunning or exquisite
  • My friends are cute, when they get dressed up they can be pretty. My girlfriend is always cute and pretty. When she dresses up she is beautiful... which makes me hot.
  • Cute = You are innocent looking and you are the girl I would pursue. Pretty = This is what you see in a magazine but not the girl you picture yourself with. They are just there for you to look at and enjoy. Beautiful = Totally untouchable (ie. Miss America or Supermodel). Hot = "I'd like to screw her" is the first thought that comes to mind.
  • Did you just call me a "cow", you wretched pig?
  • Cute: you shall grow up into a good looking woman or I find you somewhat attractive but I am not interested "that" way. Pretty: you are good looking but not knocking my socks off. Beautiful: you are extremely good looking and off come the socks. Hot: I want to get you into the sack. Well, you asked. :)
  • I am not a guy but I think that I can elaborate pretty well because my boyfriend and I have had a conversation about this and I think that every woman can be all of these!! Hot- When used by a man that has never met her and doesn't know anything about her means that she is just good for sex!! But, my boyfriend calls me beautiful and hot so to me in that sense it means that I am hot on the outside, but he also calls me beautiful so he see's me from the inside out, but I am also very very attractive, and I excite him! Beautiful-He sees you inside and out and likes all of it from your personality to your heart to your looks!! But as I said before you can be beautiful and hot!! Usually you are only beautiful to a man that knows you, and doesn't have a naughty side (which I couldn't live without he has to have a naughty side) Pretty-He thinks that you are ok you aren't beautiful, hot, or cute but you are in between beautiful and cute. Usually used by someone who knows you but doesn't truly like you for you! This term is used a lot by women when they see a girl that is good looking too. Cute-Your ok but your not quite pretty, your young and child like. Cute is more of an innocent term. It is usually used when a girl looks innocent, and like a goodie goodie!
  • Cute - Still not ripe Pretty - Unavailable Beautiful - Out of my league Hot - I'm asking for a slap in the face. Nice - Maybe I'll call her.
  • cause some people are only skin deep...
  • well, some men are just looking for sex, in which case, inner beauty isn't all that important. either way, outer beauty is a lot easier to spot. plus, they can always find a beautful (outer) woman to start and then get to know her to see about the inner beauty part later. why not have both?
  • I look for both, They are both essential to me, You can be beautiful and stupid or shallow and I won't have anything to do with you, Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and Pretty is as pretty does, so inner beauty has a lot of effect on outer beauty
  • Because a man is hard-wired (by nature) to respond to visual stimuli where as a woman is not. This is why pornography aimed at females is not anywhere near as successful as the stuff designed for men.
  • Men are more visual creatures than women.. I think that we all have a slight shallowness to us when it comes to meeting someone because it does matter what someone looks like initially,because it is like what initiates the attraction.. The look that is.. Then once you get to know the person you forget all about the looks because you r wowwed by the inidvidual.
  • I truthfully look for both, but you really have to ask yourself, can you spend the rest of your life with someone who makes you want to vomit every time you kiss them? I know for a fact that women do the same thing, so don't even try to pull the sexist remark acting like guys are the only ones who do it. I know this because I have lost 70 pounds over the last 7 months, & I have had ALOT of girls start paying attention to me & trying to go out with me compared to before I lost the weight, & next to noone was talking with me.
  • I was not trying to be sexist when I wrote the question. I do and did not mean to offend anyone. I am sorry
  • Because they foolishly think that a pretty face means a pretty heart.
  • i dont look at it that was but i always wonderd that same thing about some boys and girls! i think it wat they can show off!
  • Anna I know you didn't mean to offend anyone with your question. You just failed to take into consideration that lots of women do the same thing as well. To answer your question though from the perspective of both men and women doing this I think it all boils down to some people feel looks are extremely important and don't care if the person has an ugly personality just as long as they have a pretty face and a sexy body. This usually seems to be an issue isolated to people in their teens and twenties. Almost all people who put a high value on physical beauty learn by the time they hit 30 that beauty is overated and personality means more than a pretty face and hot body any day of the week.
  • Honest answer: Because it's a lot less expensive to change inner ugliness rather than outer ugliness. But I think having a good balance is necessary. I, myself, wouldn't date the hottest woman in the world if she was a horrible person, and vice versa.
  • Outer beauty is a lot easier to spot.
  • Because he believes it isn't so much about how the woman on his arm looks as it is about how the woman on his arm makes him look. Same goes for the opposite gender.
  • Some men are shallow.
  • Because they are gluttons for punishment. The smart ones wise up and eventually learn better.
  • Probably because some men are shallow. But not all. Hopefully.
  • In the animal kingdom, species survive by reproducing. An individual must want to have healthy offspring for this to happen. Male and female creatures have different priorities when mating caused by their differing roles in the process. A female, if she conceives, must bear the young and (usually) raise it, so prioritises the quality of the male she mates with. A male needs to ensure that he impregnates as many females as possible and is naturally promiscuous. Nature has made him more easily aroused by a female's appearance to help this. I don't think many humans are too different from other animals. It's not our fault. Please don't hate us for it.
  • nOttt tO sUreeeee :x] Kan meen alOt Really the wayy yHO think
  • beauty, a to z.
  • A new born pig is cute all pink and wrinkly you just want to stick an apple in her mouth and eat it.Pretty is looks good in clothing hair is in order and nice smile,beautiful is the way her aura radiates about her she full of joy,good looking is the same woman but shes a bitch,sexy is bad dirty makes you creative of things you want to do, not a keeper. drop dead gorgeous sold sole to satan no way of hanging on to his one, trophy arm candy for billionaires For me I will take the pig we be happy for all times

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