• I don't think that you can train a hamster to learn tricks. They're not those kind of animals that can learn tricks like dogs.
  • Hamsters cannot learn tricks like dogs or cats etc. But they can learn there name.
  • Try getting your hamster to beg for food! Its really easy take either a pumpkin seed or sunflower seed in front of it and lift up the seed and say the hamsters name and while holding it you can get it to doa number of things such as turing begging like a dog and if your lucky rolling over. If your hamster is strong enough when he grabs the seed lift up and he will hold on the entire time its really cool. Also when I play Sexy Can I on my radio my hamster dances hes so cute. SO does my girl hamster.
  • I think the only way you can train your hamster is to get it to stand on his hind legs while you feed him from your fingers. You can get him used to being handled.
  • Little tiny spawning Salmon?
  • A hamster has a brain the size of a pea - you cannot train it to do tricks.
  • My hammie Chloe kisses my nose. (you know those quick licks) And she has been doing it since birth. (8months) (RIP Olive & Ginger)
  • I think you can train hamsters cuz people have trained fish b4 all you need is time patience and some treats you'll have your hamster rolling over in no time!!!

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