• Oh, I think after a couple of suspensions they will start paying attention to speed.
  • From watching the people i know... No this would not help they do what they are gonna do either way
  • I dont think so, the people who have very fast cars want to use them. If they can pay the ticket good for them
  • Nope, then they'd just drive unlicensed and uninsured. I think anyone caught driving like that should have their car impounded until their trial date, and provided they are found guilty, their car should be auctioned and the proceeds used to pay court costs. The driver's responsibility to continue to make their car payments, even though the car is gone, should not be relievable by bankruptcy and if they don't pay it, their wages should be garnished.
  • Every speeder i stop at 100 + mph, either receives a state citation for reckless driving or is taken to jail. The fine for this offense is $1,600.00 and 6 months revocation of their drivers license. Not to mention, their auto insurance doubling or tripling.
  • Sure why not(Autobahn driving may of course be a different story). They're not only risking their own lives, but the lives of innocent people around them. Do I think this might make some not stop? Not stop during the act itself to receive the ticket etc... or not stop commiting the offense? Either way, some will learn others won't. It's been said in my state(as I'm sure it's been said elsewhere), you only need a license if you get stopped.

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