• Just out of interest, who is "the atheist" (singular) of which you speak? Or are you making generalisations?
  • The world is "screwed up" because people won't live and let live. Everyone seems to want to push their views on everyone else. That applies to the religious and the non-religious. People need to realize that it makes no difference what others believe, why argue about it?
  • Ahmen, my brother! Look at Iraq, the perfect example of that. Would you say that their problem is that they need more religion?
  • First of all, as an atheist, I don't think the world is screwed up because of religions. Its screwed up because mankind is stupid, but religion helped. To answer your question, no, I would say that religions cause more problems than they solve. That is not to say that the world would be bliss without them, but we would have one less mountain to scale.
  • I do not think the world is screwed up by religion. I think the world is screwed up by people, and religious people put a religious colour on their screwups, while atheist people put an atheist colour on their screwups. And, of course, for the non-screwups of both.
  • I don't know if the atheist you are referring to is me, but if it is, you are wrong about what I will say. I don't even ask why the world is screwed up. Looking backward and pointing fingers isn't terribly productive. Going forward, I encourage everyone to be responsible for his/her own choices and the consequences of them.
  • I love how you ask these questions in other categories now so you won't get pwned. *flags to move to Atheism category* This is a statement of (imaginary) fact, not a question. I guess you want people to chime in with you or something. The world is screwed up for a lot of reasons, mostly involving greed, selfishness, and lack of empathy. This affects people of all religions and none. While I'm no fan of religion, I think the dominance of religion is arbitrary to the state of the world in a way. The same cretins who use religion to promote cruelty and personally profit would just find another way to do so, were religion to disappear. Besides which, if you got your wish and there was more religion in the world, people would just fight all the more about which particular branch is more right than the others.
  • I don't think the world is screwed up. Unfortunately, I believe it's working the way it's meant to work, if you consider primal nature, the survival instinct and its mental level. Saying the world is screwed up, in my mind would just be an elaboration of what someone personally thinks it should be like, rather than what it once was. How can anyone say the world is "screwed up" when it has always been full of hate, war and death anyways. I guess that totally makes me cruel, and if some Atheists do say that, I wouldn't put it passed a whole lot of Christians to say the same damn thing based on the declining popularity of God and Jesus. Human atrocity is our nature, and if there were no religions, we would find some other reason to fight and kill each other over, especially when you consider that religion is often a facade for conflict, rather than the actual reason, in many cases.
  • I don't "the world" is screwed up. I think the news reports only the stuff that sells, and that happens to be the exciting stuff. If 100 kids have a local telethon and raise the money to attend the inauguration in DC, nobody hears about. If one boy kills his mother, everybody in the country knows about. Anyway, if every one behaved in a civilized manner toward one another, religion or not, it wouldn't be this way. Here's some news you will never read on any news report. Hubby and I were at a restaurant last night. When we left, Hubby accidentally stepped in front of another lady while going out. I apologized by saying, "Sorry, he's from New York". She then happily pointed out the boy who was holding the door for us "That's my son, he's from California". Edit: We all laughed as we walked to our cars. Now, that's the way the world really is.

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