• As all soldiers they merely follow orders if that is bad then the politicians that decided to promote a war are bad. No one likes a soldier until the country they live in becomes threatened. Mr Bill
  • Of course not. He was a soldier doing what his country made him do, fight a war yo...
  • Absolutely not. My father was in German Prisoner of War camps for 3 years and towards the end of the war all the prisoners in his camp were force-marched from Poland to Germany. He always said that the the German soldiers were exactly like any other group of people - mostly decent individuals, but with the odd unpleasant one here and there. He never felt any antagonism to the German people as a result of his experience. Most rank and file soldiers weren't Nazis.
  • 1) There are no bad persons, there are just persons who act wrongly. Most German soldiers were average people, prisoners of a mad system and raised inside its system of value. 2) "The average Wehrmacht soldier at the beginning of the Second World War was familiar and comfortable with Nazi racial and gender ideology. This familiarity came about in two ways: through Germany’s extremely racial educational system, according to Reina Pennington in a lecture to Norwich University; and through the upheaval of the legal structure of marriage with the rise of the Nazi Party to power, as Richard Bessel states in his work Nazism and War." "The average Wehrmacht soldier, then, had been fully indoctrinated into the racial and gender ideologies of the Nazi Party. This is evidenced not only via the soldier’s views on the Untermenschen in broad racial, terms which translated into the slaughter of enemy combatants and non-combatants alike, but in the individual soldier’s view of gender as well. This gender ideology translated into the idolization of German womanhood, and the demonizing of women of the Untermenschen. Thus the average Wehrmacht soldier’s belief in the validity of Nazi racial and gender ideology would allow him to commit murder and other crimes on a massive scale." Source and further information: 3) "Due to the constitution of the Weimar Republic no soldier of the Reichswehr was either allowed to become a member of a political party or to vote in an election because there was a strict separation between politics and the armed forces. The same applied later to the Wehrmacht. Most of its leadership was politically conservative but after Adolf Hitler gained power he had promised to rebuild Germany's military strength and thus some officers became envigorated towards the National Socialist movement. In addition, many soldiers had previously been in the Hitler Youth and Reichsarbeitsdienst and had thus been subjected to intensive Nazi indoctrination; as a result, many newly-commissioned officers were committed Nazis. In general, the Luftwaffe was heavily Nazi-influenced, as was the navy to a lesser extent; on the other hand, the army (especially amongst the enlisted men) was quite indifferent and even quietly critical of Nazism, although from 1943 onwards the influx of officers and conscripts who had been mainly educated under the Nazis began to strongly dilute this institutional scepticism. Political influence in the military command began to increase later in the war when Hitler's flawed strategic decisions began showing up as serious defeats for the German Army and tensions mounted between the military and the government. When Hitler appointed unqualified personnel such as Hermann Göring to lead his Air Force failure ensued. He also gave to his commanders impossible orders, such as to shoot all officers and enlisted men who retreated from a front line later in the war." "In World War II the Wehrmacht was involved in a number of War Crimes. While the principal perpetrators of the civil suppression behind the front lines amongst German armed forces were the Nazi German political armies (the SS-Totenkopfverbände and particularly the Einsatzgruppen), the traditional armed forces represented by the Wehrmacht committed war crimes of their own, particularly on the Eastern Front in the war against the Soviet Union. The Nuremberg Trials of the major war criminals at the end of World War II found that the Wehrmacht was not an inherently criminal organization, but that it had committed crimes in the course of the war. Several high ranked members of the Wehrmacht like Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl were convicted for their involvement in War crimes." Source and further information: Further information:
  • Some were good some were bad. It really depends. Some of Hitler's own generals such as Klaus Von Stauffenburg(the guy who the movie valkyrie is based on) wanted to assasinate him. Like any soldiers German soldiers had many different motivations for fighting. Some felt their country was wronged by The Versailles Treaty and hoped to avenge the defeat of WW 1. Some felt Hitler had actually made good on his promises to the German people and were compelled to fight for him. Some were drafted. The most fanatical to the cause were the Gestapo and The Waffen SS.
  • The average German soldier was not a member of the Nazi party. They were under the Nazi regime but the Nazi /Party/ was different. Like any group, some were good people, some bad people, most neutral.

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