• Us tombots have a hard time breaking down that barrier between us and men. Because we are similar to men and hang out w/them a lot. It's very hard to make it known to one that you really like them. I would look for the eye contact as often as possible. Lengthen the look longer and longer. Long, lingering, loving looks always get my attention.
  • Here is a pic of us, just for reference...
  • I had the same problem when I was younger. I had A friend who matched your description to a Tee. We were friends and I wasn't sure she if she wanted to be more then friends or not. I had liked her a lot and wanted to be more then friends , but was afraid of asking her out, because , if she just wanted to be friends and nothing more , She might get uncomfortable being friends because of my stronger feelings for her , then I would lose her as a friend. I didn't ask her out , as we grew up we went our own ways. We both got married to other people and have families. I still have feelings for her and regret that I didn't ask her out to find out if we could be more then friends. Therefore I say If you have feelings that you want to be more then friends , ask her out tell her how you feel . If she is truly a friend and if she doesn't feel the same way she'll understand, and still remain a true friend and maybe in time more then friendship will develop, now that she knows of your feelings. A little word of advise; I was told this by a wise old man." Feelings are a gift and as a gift you should not keep it for yourself, but give it to the person the feelings are for. " If you have feelings for her give her your gift by telling her!

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