• The advantage is that we are all looked after equally. or so the idea goes. The disadvantage is we slowly become dependent on our government for everything. When people are perfect, socialism would work. But we are not and hopefully never will be. All that is man corrupts in time.
  • Advantages: The economy is under government control so there is no boom and bust. Its constant and sustainable and more fairness and ethics can be put into place. Employment is higher. It is sometimes easier for the state to control things. Disadvantages: The scope for business is much more poor which reduces us working with international companies in the world market. There is no competition and less diversity. Domestic businesses do not have the motivation to get rich. It is sometimes hard for the government to manage everything.
  • Rightist Socialism: Much closer to capitalism but with more freedoms for the population, slightly smaller government not too high taxes & not too observant of Human Rights. I don't know of any country that has this type of government. They usually call themselves Moderate Capitalists. Centrist Socialism: The exact center between the left and the right wingers. Small government, works more towards the inside of the country, freedom of trade once the domestic needs have been met, more freedoms for the population, low taxes and very observant of Human Rights among the principal ones. This is the European style of government. [I am one of them] Leftist Socialism: A semi-moderate Communism, freedom of trade, economic tycoons, many restrictions for the population, no civil liberties which I don't believe is necessary to explain. [Closer to China or Russia] Which one do you mean if you please?

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