• NO WAY!!!! She payed for it! Her mom can take away her TV or computer privlages instead!
  • She prob can. I mean, how old is your cousin? As long as your cousin still lives at home and is dependant on her parents well.... yeh her mum could take the phone. How about you just tell your cousin to be good, that way she can keep her phone and her parents will be happy.
  • Yes she can...The mum is the parent so she can take away whatever she wants as long as it isn't going to harm your cousin. If she wasn't being ''bad'' then she would still have her phone so tell her to think about that the next time she is planning on being ''bad'', if she is good then there would be no punishment.
  • It may be a surprise to some here, but Massachusetts removed a law from the books just recently which allowed parents to bring their children to court to have them executed if they were deemed to be stubborn. Admittedly, this is not as bad as taking a cell phone away. but read some history.
  • Yes she can, the parent has full authority over the child, if she acts right she'll earn it back, thus teaching her how to be a productive member of society.
  • Certainly. Parents have the option to dole out any punishments they see fit. That's why they are parents and not friends. They are responsible for you (her) to learn appropriate behavior.
  • If she really paid for it entirely on her own, then I would say that voids her mom's authority over that. Her mom can take the things that the mom bought for her, like the computer maybe. But whatever a person pays for out of their own pocket should be considered untouchable.
  • If your cousin is a child then yes her parents can take her cell phone off her. Personally as a parent, if the child had earned the money to pay for the phone and was paying all related expenses I would not take the phone. I would just ground the child so all it had was the phone, that way the child ends up paying more to chat to all their friends. When it comes to punishment, a child always pays one way or another.
  • As a parent it gets harder to punish a child the older they get. Its obviously doing the desired effect to your cousin, but she needs to think... if she behaves then she keeps her phone!

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