• I suppose there might be a 'behavioural mean' (how to quantify?), but other than that? = No! ;-)
  • No, everyone is different in some way, meaning that there can not be a norm physically, but socially norm, 80% of the time yes.
  • I doubt it. Everybody has their quirks and things that make them who they are. Someone normal wouldn't have those qualities, but because I don't think it's possible not to, I say no.
  • every one has different views on others. and it hilarious when someone calls me weird, i always ask what are they and they always say normal, then i ask them to define normal, and they never can say anything. its fun to see their dumb faces. :)
  • Yes and no. Normal is whatever is socially determined to be so. But following everyone following the norm is very strange if you think about it.
  • yes....normal is in between stuck up bitch and loony bin....anything in between
  • Yes, if you mean "is the phrase meaningful". No, if you mean "is there a person who conforms exactly to some official, absolute, and precise definition of the word 'normal'". The phrase is meaningful: it's normal to grow up with 2 arms, legs, eyes, and ears. It's not normal to grow up attached at the hip to another human. It is literally "not the norm". That doesn't mean bad, or inferior, or superior, or anything else, it just means it is not the norm. But there's no official definition of what "a normal person" is. It would need to be very precise so that people could be sorted either in or out accurately. Who would be the authority to invent such a definition? Clearly, there's no such authority. It's just people talking.
  • No, but I tend to find that the closet-crazy people tend to use the word "normal" the most.
  • There's me and you, but sometimes I have my doubts about you.

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