• Yup, i cut the very tip of my finger off. Luckly it grew back. There was alot of bleeding.
  • uh-huh. i once wasnt looking while i was making myself a sandwhich, and i was cutting the bread with a really big knife. i cut into the bone of my left index finger, still have a scar. enjoyed the sandwhich though =)
  • uh-huh. i once wasnt looking while i was making myself a sandwhich, and i was cutting the bread with a really big knife. i cut into the bone of my left index finger, still have a scar. enjoyed the sandwhich though =)
  • Yeah. I remember almost slicing my thumb off when I was a kid trying to open a coconut with a butcherknife! Lotsa blood! ;-)
  • not cooking but once while trying to cut a loose string inside my shoe i cut a deep wedge out of my fingertip. i had a scar that kept peeling in the middle of my finger print for half a year

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