• Hell no. Why would I want to watch everything round me die, and be the last sad sap left, stuck with nothing and no one. I have one thing in my world that makes me happy that I live for, just one now, and if they were gone... it'd be hell, it really would. Why would i want to live at all without that?
  • Erm, no. Imagine I'm 80, walking with a stick/fame, wandering around the supermarket, stopping every ten yards because my joints are in agony. Now picture me 10,000 years later. Can you see me running a marathon?
  • evolve... but time is a mobius strip anyway, more than 1 strand... but not alone, intellectually or physically...
  • Only if I was surrounded by people whom I like and they would live forever too.
  • No, I wouldn't like to live forever. I am surprised I made it this far actually :)

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