• Hey!!! I tried to point you but it wouldn't let me. Sorry for answering with no points given. I'll retry later, okay? I think it is because irrefutable proof has yet to be established, so there is still some doubt remaining. You know how we humans are (rolls eyes) :)
  • I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion and thoughts, the only problem is , who has the right answer? In this case your choices are 1. Believe in a big bang or 2. Believe in creation. Ok look at the facts, we are able to live on the earth, kinda weird that out of all the billiions of stars and planets or (at least where our knowledge allows us to search) We are in the only place where it is possible to live, ie distance from sun, oxygen, plants, food, water, animals, circle of life, and if it was evolution wouldnt there be signs of other life evolving on other planets? My honest opinion is, it is harder to believe in a "mistake" than in a creator. Its easier to live with, if it is a mistake because we dont need to give occounts to anyone and we believe we are in control and bosses of ourselves. But it is kinda reasurring knowing we are created and there is someone in control above all the violence misunderstanding etc.... Maybe we are scared to believe in a creator.
  • They want to prove how stupid they are so that you will join them and send them money out of sympathy.
  • Recorded history goes back approximately 5,000 years and comes to an abrupt halt and the reason for that is obvious...there isn't much history prior to that point. Because the evolutionists have no recorded history of man prior to the 6,000 plus years declared in God's Word which is a reliable history book and witness, the anti-Bible groups have no witnesses to support their pre-6,000 years old claims. In order to debunk the authority of God's Word they created an armada of pseudoscientific theories and techniques to offset their lack of witnesses...their lack of proof.
  • Bunk, debunk, rebunk, top bunk, bottom bunk... Nobody has anything they can put their hands on that proves anything one way or the other. The Bible, yes the Bible, because that's where the story came from in the first place is a faith book. Everything in it requires faith, belief, acceptance without evidence. The whole thing is way too complex to have just happened anyway. As for me, I'm going with the book for two reasons. First because anything this complex has to have been designed and second, the Bible, Old Testament, comes from Torah and I understand Torah predates just about everything else which would make it a 'core', so to speak. It's nothing to get worked up about, choose one but choose wisely. Merry Christmas ya'll! (Next thing you know some sour-puss is going to try to disprove Santa Clause)
  • Because its not fun when what you believe and what you know are at odds with one another. To that end, it's a comfort when you can either get the two to agree, or at the very least blur the edges so the fact that they are in opposition is easier to ignore.
  • I'm just not up for another evolution debate today. But "rebunk" earns a "Punchy Word of the Day" award.
  • This comes from a "chronology" devised by a mideaval monk by name of Usher. He added up the biblical geneologies from the old testament and came up with the startling conclusion that the earth is 6,000 years old. And some Christians wonder why non-Christians have so little respect for their intellect! SIGH!
  • Come on yall. We all know that both sides can be ridiculous on this one. I have taken classes for both creationism and evolution. I'm not stupid enough to expect everyone on this planet too believe that God spoke the universe into existence thats a faith call. It can't and shouldn't be decided on purely science because then their would be no such thing as faith, But please don't pretend that evolutionists haven't taken extremes and made BIG jumps with little evidence to back the THEORY of evolution. In my honest opinion a LOT of people on both sides are too stuck up to see anything but what is convenient for them.
  • For the same reason that they insist in claiming that the Bable is true and the word of god and all that jazz. Besides, they only have like a couple of arguments and can't come up with anything new so they just recycle and reuse
  • Those people are trying to fit facts into their belief system. Facts and beliefs are two separate categories. It's nuts.
  • Im starting to feel sorry for you steelhamster, dont worry even though you dont believe in God, doesnt change the fact that he exists. We will find out the truth soon, im just sorry I cant be of more help.
  • Nothing else can be expected from a group of people that, not only follow a 6,000-year old fantasy book and the made-up characters in it, but also re-write it so that it fits with the times and the agenda they're trying to push on the rest of the rational-thinking world
  • Because they simply do not have truth on their side.
  • Faith... It means literally, the belief in things not proven. Unfortunately it gets perverted to "a frenetic belief in things completely disproven", by those that live in a 'crisis of faith' mode. They want to believe, so badly they can taste it, the bible at its literal word, even those parts that conflict with the other parts, that they go to excessively stupid lengths. I am an ordained priest, hold a religious doctorate, and after all my education and observation of the activities of the various religions and their practitioners, all I can say is that, for the overall majority of the human race, religion makes them stupid. Yes, that is an offensive statement, but, no more offensive than someone insisting regardless of the evidence available to the contrary that they are right, 'just because...'
  • The Bible gives no age for the Earth. "In the beginning....." this is the time of the dinosaurs etc. The Earth is indeed 4 billion years old and the Bible does no claim otherwise.
  • Time is relative.
  • ...because that is all they have. Their little ideas can be debunked time and time again but they have to reuse them because they have no others. Personally I suspect the ones writing all the books on creationism (Safarti, Ham, Austin, the RATE project, Hovind and so on and so on) have a pretty huge income depending on people continuing to buy their stuff - so continually trot it out as 'truth' no matter how often it is proven to be a lie. I am sure they know they are producing falsehoods, but continue anyway, accusing anyone who points out the mistake of not being a True Christian and as such condemned to hell...
  • Lack of material, imagination, creativity and long-term memory loss which is all pretty funny considering why they're doing it

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