• keep it , im a money hungry whore.
  • yup, if it's in a paper bag and no one else is around to claim it..its mine. the person who lost it is obviously to stupid to know that carrying that much money on you isn't safe!
  • It depends on whether I knew the true owner. If I don't, whoever I hand it to, would keep it anyway... It has happened to me that I see someone dropping money, and I always have returned it. Has never been 10,000, tho, and I don't know what would I do in that case... hehe...
  • Hmm I would be tempted to say keep it, but if it was stolen money, the coppers could be waiting for those serial numbers to resurface...I think too much, I should just take the money and run.
  • This question haunts me once again LOL - When I was younger (many years ago) I applied for a job with the border patrol. They asked this same question. They told me to be totally honest. I thought about it and said yes I would keep it. Needless to say I didn't get the job :P Now that I am older with hind sight being 20/20 - I would still keep it :) Hey I didn't get the job and so I'd need the money!
  • if i knew who it belonged to i would give it back but if it was just there and i didnt have a clue whose it was i would definitly keep it, who wouldnt if they were being honest
  • no owners name on it??? then i would be adding on to my house...but if it did,then i would without a doubt turn it in...that kind of thing will come back and bite you in the buttocks...every time
  • It depends where it was found and what the circumstances were. If it was a random occurrence on the sidewalk, I would most definitely keep it. Woo hoo! But, if it was found in a more closed environment, like a lobby or someone's home, I would certainly turn it over to whomever was "in charge".
  • If I found $10,000 dollars, I would Def. keep the money. I would then was all the finger prints off, just to be extra safe.
  • If there was any hint as to who it belonged to, I'd try to find them and give it back, if not it's mine!! I wouldn't take anything to the police! I don't trust them!
  • It all really depends on where I found it .. out on the street somewhere away from any places of business or the like? .. I would keep it but not spend any of it for at least a full week to make sure no one reported it and I would check the paper and the news. After that .. oOoOolala
  • Even as much as I need it now, if there was any way to tell who the owner was, I would have to give it back. But, if it was loose cash, in a paper bag, with no deposit slip, receipts, or any other way to figure it out, then I would have to keep it.
  • I would turn it in to the police. I know that deep down some part of me would ache, but hey that money belongs to somebody and they are missing it. I certainly would hope that someone else would return it if I had lost it.
  • Are you insane of course I would keep it!!!
  • what paper bag? i didn't see no paper bag!
  • Keep it, but not for the reasons you think. If someone's brainless enough to put $10K cash in a paper bag and then lose it, then I'll hold onto it for him. I'll try my best to find out who lost it. If and when I find that person, I'll give it back.
  • What money? What paper bag? Huh? I had that cash stored under my mattress...
  • keep it!!!!!! its not like I robbed a bank! some dumb person was carring it around in a paper bag!!! however if some old lady got on the news and said she was taking a paper bag full of her savings to the bank and it was lost I would turn it in.
  • Depends but to be totally this point in my keep it...
  • Keep it, use it to buy an plane ticket to and temporary lodging in Portsmouth UK, and after that's all done, give whatever's left to charity.
  • If I saw the person drop it or knew who it belonged to I would give it back. But if it was say just lying in a dumpster then I would be very tempted to keep it. there's a lot I could do with 10 grand!
  • I might take some of it. Ok I would take some of it, not all of it though what are they going to do about it they would have to prove I took it.
  • Man, I would love to keep it, but eventually you're going to have to explain where that much coin came from. If it's ten, hundred, maybe even a thousand, I'd probably keep it. But $10,000? Somebody has to be missing that and the IRS will certainly want their cut.
  • I would turn it in to the proper authorities and make claim. If no one claims it in the appropriate amount of time, then it would come to me. If I kept it without trying to find who it belongs to, that would make me a thief. I cannot abide a thief. I would not know if maybe it belonged to some little old lady that needed it to live, or maybe a family that needed it for medical bills or whatever. No, I could not in good concience keep it without trying to find the owner.
  • I would have to try to find the rightful owner before I made claim to it.
  • Keep it. I wish I had the willpower to turn it over to the right person like everyone else is saying, lol. I'd look @ it as a blessing and whoever had it didn't need as much as I do. Saying that would kinda make me feel better about stealing money, too :)
  • I would hold onto it but watch the news. With my luck, it would either be drug money or marked bills from a bank robbery!
  • Keep it.
  • Lets try it and find out.
  • I would see if anyone was looking on the ground for it. If not, I'd look around to see if anybody was watching, and take it and splurge a little.
  • I'd look around first for someone who had posted signs or someone who was looking for it (and could show me a bank slip or something), if not, no. I turned in $500 once that I found at Walmart - and all I can think now is...those lucky bastards I turned it in to probably kept it!
  • my answer probably not, but if i knew who it belonged to i would give it back...probably...maybe.
  • I would hand it in...How would you feel if you lost 10,000 dollars and couldnt find it!
  • I would definitely keep it,...even though I might feel bad about it later.
  • Honestly? I would turn it in. There's no telling how it got there. I could be walking into the middle of something that I really shouldn't be involved in.
  • That's a shopping spree..keep!
  • honestly, i would keep it and spend the money on paying bills and maybe doing some gambling lol like the saying goes: "finders keepers, losers weepers"
  • Keep it. I know its messed up, but $10,000 is just a lot. Too bad for the guy who lost it. It'll teach him to be more responsible.
  • I would search high and low for the owner. I would take out a full page ad in the newspaper, go on the six pm news, and post an ad on the web in search of the owner. When I found the owner I would personaly deliver it to him at my expense and refuse a reward. That is the only fair thing to do because everyone has plastic bags and paper bags are becoming very rare.
  • I'd hand it in. If it were mine, I'd be really upset. Besides, if it isn't claimed, it's yours!
  • i would try to find who lost it but i would need alot of proof of ownership. i do not think that i would feel good inside spending money that i did not earn or deserved, then again i never found $10,000 before.
  • I would turn it in at a police station and try to arrange to run ads about it, and if no one claims it in 30 days (or the amount of time the P.D. sets,) then I get to keep it. If that happens, I'll donate 20% of it to the church.
  • NEITHER,I'd spend the dam money on the spot.
  • First I would think to myself 'Who in their right mind would leave 10,000 in a paper bag layng around' lol ....and then I would turn it in. ;)
  • keep it. That is not hard at all to roll over. A Million pluss - mayer even more then a hundred thousand plus - it takes some thought.
  • I'd turn it. I'm sure that much money somebody's going to report it missing to the cops. If I kept it I'd feel like such trash. Especially if later on I found out that somebody lost their life saving because they dropped a paper bag. And here's a thought, if you turn something in and it doesn't get claimed the cops give back to you as the rightfull owner. So, you could do the noble thing and still get the money.
  • I believe the RIGHT THING TO DO...would be to turn it in. BUT...gulp...I'm in such a hole right now (about $9000.00 thanks to one rotten tenant in my rental house) I'd be horribly tempted to justify keeping it! Who keeps $10K in a paper bag? DRUG DEALERS!! Or other "low life" sorts of THEY deserve it more than me? (Donating it to a worthy cause? ME, ME ME!!!! OR....? sighhhhhhh Good question....horrific answer.
  • I would hope someone would turn it in if I lost it otherwise, KEEP IT!
  • Keep it. Of course.
  • hand it in....... somehow i believe that some soul out there is more desperately more in need of that money than me
  • keep it.
  • If it was cash only, I would totally keep it. I can't lie. I have school to pay for!
  • DON'T TELL ME WHAT I MUST DO WITH MY MONEY, not hand it over...
  • I just watched an episode of 'Good Times' which this was the subject of the show. They ended up giving the money back after everything was said and done but I would probably keep it since I'm not doing to well financially right now.
  • fuck yea i would keep it are u crazy?!? but i would selflessly distribute it amoung my fellow poor people
  • if there was no one around it, i'd take it & run.
  • To be honnost I would keep it
  • Neither. I wud just walk past as I take nothing less than $100,000 ;-)
  • I would keep it.
  • Keep it in a secure place for one year. If I hear or read nothing about someone 'misplacing' $10,000, then I would spend it on a new car.
  • 1. If I knew who lost it, I would hand it in. 2. If not, I would call the police on a regular basis for a month and would ask if someone reported the loss/theft of a paper bag without being too specific. If no one claimed it within a month, I would consider it mine.
  • I actually found a bag with 7500 dollars in it, but I saw the 70+ yr. old lady who dropped it. It was payroll for some flower shop/nursery she owned. Of course I gave it back, but there were about 3 seconds where the little devil guy popped up on my shoulder, and I hadda resist:-)
  • if i were totally honest, i would take it to the police if there was no name on it. then if no one asks for it then i would see about getting a % of it for finding it and turning it in. if someone claimed it, then that's all as well. karma comes back at you when you least expect it.(i'm going for good karma)
  • I would not keep it, I would take it to the police, file a report, make sure they had my contact information clearly printed for any potential rewards, and be done with it. $10,000 is not worth a life of a guilty conscience, a life wondering if anyone would find out it was me who took it (stole it basically since I would be taking something that belonged to someone else) and since it's that large of a sum it could qualify as Grand Larceny. One of the biggest things would be the example it would set for my children. It would show a lack of hipocracy, and set for them a real life example of someone doing the right thing. The other big thing that would make me do it is putting myself in the other person's shoes... what if that was my $10,000 that I lost... or was stolen from me? What would I want the person who found it to do with it? How many here would want the person who found it to keep it... or would you want them to turn it in to the police because you would definitely report it missing?
  • yeah i would keep it . because i realy need it , .
  • Its one of my pattented paper money storing devices! Ive been manufacturing them and using them for years! See that there, those are my initials! *squiggle squiggle, it would be against the law for you to take it from me!
  • Did somebody lose a paper bag? You have not seen a bag here. move along, you have no business here.
  • If it isn't mine, I wouldn't take it. If someone gave it to me, I would bow 10,000 times and thank them 10,000 times and send them 10,000 thank you cards (e-mail's cheaper that way)
  • keep it
  • i THINK i would turn it in but its really hard to say until you're in a situation. i know if i did turn it in i'd stand there with my hand out waiting for a reward. i know its wrong to expect a reward for doing the right thing but hey, i'm human too.
  • i am not a dip-shit. i find it, i keep it. the cosmos have a strange way of rolling around
  • keep my home.find out if it is conterfit or not,if no go to the bank and get smaller bills.if yes tell the police and try and get a reward
  • What kind of MORON would carry ten grand ( Cash ) in a paper bag? If that was so, it probably was lost by , or ripped off from a drug dealer. I'd keep the money, & keep my mouth shut. Now if I found a wallet,purse, checkbook, credit card, or a business money bag, I'd make sure the owner got it back all in tact. As for crack boy, he's S.O.L. !!!
  • Honestly, I would keep it. =)
  • if it was just lying on the road or in the gutter, i think that it would be too good to be true and wouldnt hand it in unless i heard that someone was looking for it... but if there was just a random paper bag in the gutter i probably wouldnt pick it up to see whats inside, so really i would never find the money.
  • I would take it no problem since ive worked my ass off for the last ten years for low pay
  • Keep it no duh!!!!!!!!!
  • I'd hire a lorry to haul it away...
  • I'd gawp vacantly at the bag trying to work out how this lady managed to fit so much money in it.
  • If it's in cash, there's no way I'm going to be able to return it to her. I mean, it'd weigh more than my house...
  • I'd swipe a couple mil and then return it. It's not like she's going to notice.
  • of course
  • i would keep it (not just because i know if *i* lost a bag with £10,000 i know i would never see it again) i have student loans to pay back :(
  • nope! that money was meant for me! that's y i found it...
  • keep it duh skrew who ever lost it
  • I would leave it for a while, and if it was still there when I came back and nobody around me seemed to want it, I'd take it. If nobody asked for it for a decent amount of time, it would become mine ;)
  • This money does not rightfully belong to me. I would turn it into the authorities with the hope that the person who lost it would get it returned.
  • To the PD it goes! If it's unclaimed in 30 days, it's mine and I have a clear conscience. If it's claimed, I'm no worse off than I was before I found it.
  • Probably keep it or donate it somewhere. Not sure never had it happen but I found 40$ once and kept it there was no way to find who lost it.
  • I would grab it and run for the hills
  • something like that did happen not too far away from here,but it wasn t money,it was jewellery.a person found them and handed them over to the ever reported the jewells missing and the finder was allowed to keep them.if i was to find a bag with 10,000 dollars in it,my first guess would be that it was drug money,i d hand it in to the police.
  • It depends on if the notes were sequential or not....
  • I read the first few answers and maybe was shocked! I would turn it into the police! Absolutely. I wouldnt even really think about it. What if it was YOU who lost that money? Wouldnt you want it returned?
  • I would keep it and use it to get into college
  • that would be very awesome, but i would try to see if i could find the owner, and if not id give it to charity or something. :)
  • Well of course i'd want to keep it, but i'd feel too guilty so i'd probably keep it and then see if i hear anything about it and if not then keep it! I could use it right now.
  • Last time I checked putting something in a paper bag meant the it was mine. I own every paper bag ever made, in all colors, and therefor what is in said bag is mine, as well. LOL I totally wouldn't turn it in! I'll take the karma on that!
  • well i would take it. then i would see if the news had anything about a ransom for $10,000 if there was i would be carefull to spend it if not what the hell who would be dumb enough not to realize they dropped $10.000? who would i hand it to? would i trust them? to many questions not enough answers for me + free cash.
  • keep that shite!
  • Keep it if nobody was looking for it and give it back if someone said that they lost it.

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