• New Amsterdam.
  • New Amsterdam-New York Constantinople-Istanbul
  • Beijing used to be Peking. New York used to be New Amsterdam. St. Petersberg used to be Leningrad.
  • This might help...
  • I don't know any cities that haven't been named already but there is a country called Sri Lanka that used to be called Ceylon. And Morocco used to be called Spanish Sahara.
  • Here are some renamed countries (rather than a cities): Taiwan used to be called Formosa Myanmar used to be called Burma Thailand used to be called Siam A lot of countries in Africa have changed their name in the last 100 years too, but I don't recall most of the older names :( The Democratic Republic of the Congo used to be called Zaire Zimbabwe used to be called Rhodesia
  • The list is very long, but here is a short one that is helpful when reading modern history. There are many names for places in the eastern Mediterranean that changed names after many territorial wars and regime changes. Places such as Syria and Lebanon have Hebrew, Greek, Roman, and other colonial names depending upon which point in history you choose, e.g, the city-state of Carthage, the site of the Punic Wars, is near downtown Tunis, Tunisia, and has Hebrew, Greek and Arabic names that become important when reading the histories from those culture's point of view. Since Perestroika, many areas, towns and cities of the former USSR have changed their names to fit the new politik. That alone could fill a book. Here is a partial list that I find helpful when reading history (old names first): Abyssinia = Ethiopia Angora, Turkey = Ankara Bohemia, Moravia, Czechoslovakia = Czech Republic and Slovakia Ceylon = Sri Lanka Persia = Iran Mesopotamia = Iraq Southern Rhodesia = Zimbabwe Northern Rhodesia = Zambia Saigon = Ho Chi Minh City Petrograd/Leningrad = St. Petersburg Siam = Thailand Tanganyika and Zanzibar, German East Africa = Tanzania Zaire = Democratic Republic of the Congo South-West Africa = Namibia Moldavia = Moldova Upper Volta = Burkina Faso Tripolitania, Cyrenaica = Libya Numidia = Algeria Sudanese Republic = Mali Gaul = France French Equatorial Africa = Central African Republic and Chad German East Africa = Rwanda and Burundi Cathay = China (north) Mangi = China (south) Cochin-China (south), Annam (central), Tonkin (north) = Viet Nam Burma = Myanmar Edo = Tokyo Choson = Korea (north and south) Kampuchea = Cambodia Formosa = Taiwan Good Luck.
  • Madras - Chennai Rangoon - Yangon Peking - Beijing St Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad - St Petersburg. Edo - Tokyo Constantinople - Byzantium - Istanbul
  • The list is endless, never the less if you take it by continents and sub continents you can count the following: Russia and the C.I.S. Former communist countries now within the EU. Greece and Turkey. Africa and the Middle East. India and Pakistan. Asia in general. Many cities in the US and Continental Europe. See you.

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