• First of all, I am sorry if you are feeling rejected. I think you are right. Being rejected doesn't make you a bad person, and it probably just means the two of you aren't meant to be together. --------- However.... I can't imagine that anyone really "enjoys" being rejected. I think it is totally natural to care or have feelings about not getting the results you hoped for in any situation. People risk rejection in relationships and in all other aspects of their lives. Why do they do it? Because there is something that they hope to gain from taking that risk. People don't generally put themself "out there" unless they have weighed the risk vs reward. If someone likes you, they aren't hoping to ask you out, and hear..."I'm not interested". Even though the person knew before asking the question that they may not get the "yes" they were hoping for, it would seem only natural to care if they didn't. Bottom Line: I think most people like to have their feelings reciprocated and are let down to some degree when they are not.
  • After 9 successive rejections with no acceptances, it's hard to stay positive.
  • You're right about the second part. It doesn't make you a bad person it just makes you not of their preference and thats okay. I'm sure there are people out there not of your preference too. Well we care about being rejected because we're human and it hurts our pride that we don't live up to someone elses needs and expectations. That doesn't make us bad, worthless or any less than anyone else. But sadly it does hurt...
  • Yes, I agree. And, what's the question?
  • When someone you are totally in love with says they don't want you, I think feeling like a bad person has nothing to do with the pain you feel.

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