• The verb to pwn (past tense: pwned, pwnd, pwn'd, pwnt, pooned) as used by the Internet gaming subculture, means to beat or dominate an opponent. While it probably originated as a typing error of the word own, it is now used intentionally by many members of the subculture. The term has become so ubiquitous in Internet circles that it is often used outside of gaming contexts; for example, "He just got pwned in that debate" or "The hunters pwned that bear."
  • yeah what novacaine said: a maker of a game was trying to type "own" as "owned" you got owned but was a typo and just stuck from there on in.
  • I'm assuming you meant "What exactly". Pwn is like own. It was a typo in an old video game, it might have been Doom but I'm not quite sure. Eventually, it just stuck. Now lots of people say it, (at least the nerdy people like me LOL).
  • my sis is a gamer and nerd and says it all the time (soo annoying) it means: to be owned, beaten, or killed by someone , specifically a teammate..
  • It is said often to me after a 11 year old mercilessly defeats me in a video game. Usually violent involving guns, decapitations, explosions and other assorted methods of mutilation.
  • It means tricked, pranked, fooled. I hope this helps. For more information, go to See you later! ;-) -ANNA

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