• I have heard some claims of that if you go "cold turkey". hehe I don't know if I believe it. I have heard that as animal flesh is so much more difficult to digest, much more of it remains in your intestines for a longer period than non-meats. It makes sense, but I haven't read any actual studies. I don't think you would feel sick if you make sure to eat properly as a vegetarian. Some claim all the hormones, antibiotics, etc. that is found in meat addicts the body to it, and if that is true, you might feel withdrawal symptoms. Sorry I can only give you hearsay. I can tell you that people I know that have gone from omnivore to vegetarian feel much better, and have more energy.
  • No, i been a vegetarian for almost a decade and never feel sick.
  • When I stopped eating meat, I did not feel at all sick, but one thing I did notice was a cleaner fresher taste in my mouth - with meat, there was always a greasy feeling to everything I ate, and that disappeared.

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