• I trust my head more, but at times let my heart over rule my head when it is matter related to love and kids.
  • Hmmm, I'm an ENFJ--I am going to say head for exactly that reason.
  • my heart has become too cold to know what it thinks, so I have to use my head to try and remember what my heart would feel. I have instilled a deep responsibility in my head to represent my heart, and trusting my head right now is the only way I know.
  • Both. I generally use my head when I am looking out for myself. I use my heart more when I am looking out for someone else.
  • Your heart. Sometimes your heart knows that it will work, even when your head can't understand why.
  • both actually.
  • Forget the head and heart - go with the gut reaction.. It quickly sums up a situation subconciously and is the best way to go with a decision..
  • This is a balance of power issue not unlike that which faces the writers of a new constitution. I think that whichever feels most strongly about a given question should decide it. I temper this arrangement by giving both head and heart a pocket veto. In case of a tie no action is to be taken.
  • Neither one: if you're thinking that they're two separate things it's already too late for trust. A whole person isn't split up into head and heart, body and mind, "good self" and "bad self", or any other conceptual division. We talk and think this way because we don't learn to just *see* -- in other words, we get caught up in believing that the whole is made up of a bunch of parts. But that's just some idea somebody came up with, our experience isn't really like that if we pay attention to it. Experience flows moment to moment as a stream of thoughts, feelings, sensations, moods, perceptions, all playing off of each other. When we stop getting tangled up in our beliefs and stories and just settle into being present here-and-now, the whole organism of self responds spontaneously and appropriately in concert with the situation. Intellect does it's part, affect (emotion) does it's part, and so forth, but these aren't independent from each other. Basically, it's about learning to dance with whatever is going on... that's trust. Everything is integrated because nothing was truly separate in the first place.
  • Head and Heart have to be a unit. If emotion is not validated by reason, the emotion is false. If reason doesn't translate into emotion, the reasoning is flawed. If they are not the same, one or the other needs an adjustment. So my answer is, ideally - either one. If you are about to say that you cannot help what you feel, I strongly disagree. By adjusting my thinking I've managed to remove negative feelings that were harmful to me. If I don't have the emotional reaction I want to have, I know my thinking needs to be re-thought.
  • Neither they are both damaged from lovers and drugs so i'll go with my 20 20 vision.
  • Stableboy hit the nail on the head in his third continue with the 60,000 thoughts a day we have...we are electical beings and every thought has an energy from us. It is the heart that will provide the joy and passions as we send out these electrical frequencies to the universe. It is what we think, using this joy & passion, that will manifest into our reality of tommorrow. As you are all that has become your passion from the heart...are from the thoughts of yesterday. So with passion from the heart, become tommorow what you put out to the universe from your thoughts. Send out the frequency of peace from your heart, with passion and joy(as if it has already happened) to the universe, and it will be our reality of tomorrow.
  • both. one interacts with the other.
  • Heart.
  • depends on the issue...... Matters of trust & love HEART Matters of knowledge HEAD
  • I trust my heart more, because the heart is what prevents us from being mere machines. Compassion and love come from the heart.
  • Well seeing as my head controls my heart and my heart can't think. My head.
  • My eyes and ears are what I trust.....The head and heart are too easily manipulated...;)
  • A lot of both.
  • In the past I have always followed my heart. NO MORE!!
  • Ideally a mixture of both, though it is difficult. Quotes from a song by Enigma Between Mind and Heart highlights the difficulty;- "......Its hard to find the balance when you are in love ........ you're lost in the middle because you have to choose between heart and mind........." ".....heart is the engine of your body but brain is the engine of life..............." Following the unrestrained heart without any wisdom leads to disaster. I did this once, and was living with a new date in 2 weeks, in an unfamiliar town, with her three kids, and the learning curve was particularly steep and in the end the relationship did not survive
  • I tend to be one who followes their heart alot sometimes it has worked other times it has blown up in my face like a big train wreck I have followed my head a few times but find no challange in doing that
  • It's usually a bit of both, I weigh things up using my head and my heart.
  • Your head, or else your heart might get broken.
  • I have always followed my heart and it has gotten me nothing but hurt so from now on I will be following my head and staying away from anything resembling a romantic relationship.
  • Or, as guys might say, should you listen to your head or your hard?
  • That's a tough question to answer because in truth, your brain and your heart are only thirty six inches aways from eachother. We are all prone to only follow one or the other. Depending on the situation, both can be very useful.
  • well i've always followed my heart and it's given me nothing but pleasure.... im sorry to say i cant say the same for everyone else
  • I think both. Your heart can see things that your head can't, and vice versa.
  • You have both for a reason. They are supposed to be used together. Neither one sees the whole story. If they are giving you opposing messages, you need to face the fact that one of them is giving you good advice and the other is hoping you won't listen! In my case, it has usually been my head being reasonable and my heart not caring, and getting squashed in the end.
  • your heart
  • Technally, your heart just pumps blood :P So I'd say do what feels right, but then again you should think about consequences.
  • If you're talking one or the other, and not both, you are not talking about love. Love needs both.
  • I think it's a personality thing. Also, you're not really giving us any idea of what the problem is.. I say, follow your heart ALWAYS, unless doing that means hurting someone else unnecessarily.. The most important thing to do is: Follow your head when your heart tells you to. :-)
  • I have stopped listening to my head , I listen to my heart now :-)
  • i tend to follow my head! thank god my heart influences my head a great deal! :P
  • Almost always my head -- maybe my life would be different if I followed my heart -- but I'm a Capricorn, so my head it is!
  • I follow my head if I feel like it. I have followed my head and later regreted it however.
  • I really try to listen to my conscience which is probably a blending of about 80 percent head and 20 percent heart.
  • Everytime I follow my heart and take the risk I find that the journey was that much more worth it! Using ur head is the most logical thing to do, however their might be no passion, it will probably just be comfortable without any sparks. Whats the fun in that? I think there should always be more heart than head, love always prevails!
  • Well, in the past..I followed my heart 100%. After being hurt so many times, my head is what controls most things, but after I met my current love, I follow both probably 50/50.
  • your head! your heart can't reason, i know from experience.
  • my head
  • I always trust my heat... if you think about things to much you could miss out on something wonderful!
  • I trust my head, my heart has gotten me into all sorts of trouble in the past!
  • I trust the truth and I use all my faculties to seek to discern it.
  • Neither, one isn't right all the time. Sometimes both are wrong. One just has to figure it out each time.
  • heart. the brain is what made men stupied in the first place and im not going to let that happen to women also! exsample- if a killer was heading towards my best friend my brain would say to not get in the way or id get killed too my heart would hurt and tell me to save them.
  • None. Trust God Alone.
  • Head. Heart has gotten me in trouble several times.
  • Your brain, you will most likely stay sane and financially stable.
  • Always my head,it makes the decisions where the heart just pumps blood,without a head to decide to tell the heart to pump,I wouldn't be anymore.
  • My heart. The brain has the tendency to be to rational.
  • we should listen according to situation.if it is case of love than heart should be listened while in other situation head should be used.
  • Both have gotten me fucked more than once.
  • Mostly your brain however I let my heart lead to me the one that I love the most in this world so sometimes there is acceptions.
  • Trust your head (brain) as your heart only pumps blood and does not control human emotions.
  • your head, my heart got broken too many times and now it is in a box still someone deserves it. I now listen to my brain before i give my heart away again
  • If you always lead with your head, you miss out on a lot of what makes life worthwhile. If you always lead with your heart, you tend to be very wishy washy, undependable, and have a hard time keeping your mind made up. So you have to strike a balance between the two extremes.
  • the heart has reasons, that reson dosn't understand. Blasie Pascal

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