• i honestly think there wont be anything here in 100 yrs.
  • I don't know, we could enter a second dark ages. I hope not though.
  • The Jetsons.
  • Probably fairly similar...I am assuming we will discover a new fuel source and many of the major countries will be under new rule.
  • Either like these:
  • i have many ideas, maybe like futurama, witch means that the humans made really fast progress, maybe like a wasteland because of nuclear wars, and maybe like an submerged planet because of the greenhouse effect...
  • Much fewere people will be left. We'll all be under total control of our government with various technologies, but we'll all be stupid enough to believe that this is what is keeping us safe. We will all be slaves for a very few elite families which run the world. They will be able to terminate any slaves they don't like with the push of a button. We will have destroyed nature, so everything is grown in laboratories. Meat is no loger farmed, but it's a cancer cell that grows and you just cut a piece off and cook it when hungry. Men will have finally perfected the ultimate woman...' the pleasure model' which is bred to satisfy them without having any needs of her own. There will be rules about everything, even more than we have now. There will be no animals left, except for the ones grown in labs. We will colonize other planets.
  • We will either have taken giant steps forward technologically and in terms of diplomacy and problem solving of environmental, health, and poverty issues or we will have reverted to more primative conditions, surviving through barbaric practices and violence. In the first case, the world will be bright and hopeful with wonderful new inventions and innovations. In the second, things will be pretty dismal. It all depends on the decisions we make today.
  • Different!! Way, way different. Man, just look at 1907 and 2007. No-one in 1907 could possibly have predicted this!
  • not good
  • For me, very dark I imagine :-)
  • there will be no stores you will have a computer replicate any object you want and supposedly everyone whos alive in 30-40 years will be able to life forever
  • The Hindu astrologers predicted that, in about two decades from now, the crime rate will come down to 40% of the present level, there will be better understanding between nations of the world and between persons, and that people in general will be more spiritual and seek higher knowledge. Swami Dattavadhut, Prophecies 1998 to 2100, Vanita Books, Mumbai, 1997, pp. 33-42. Politicians will seek to have the constitution changed to allow Arnold Schwartsnager to become president in 2008. This will be defeated once, but tried again until passed resulting in the first One World Government Presidency with an Advisory Council from other nations. As 2005 progresses, many more Americans no longer believe in the integrity of their own government. An increased spiritual awakening is happening inexorably across the globe. More people move into alignment with the higher streams of energy coming into the solar system through the increased vibration of Sun's transformations. New codes of light are being melded into the human consciousness. Music plays a large part in this. Aurora Borealis will be seen in many places around the planet, not just at the North and South Pole. Water will be discovered on two nearby planets. On Earth, a new time line is forming, one that could produce a unified planetary consciousness by 2020.
  • Really hot in Summers. This time there has been above 50 degree celcius in India at some places.
  • I think at the rate the world is going 100 years now with the wars and the global warming and and all of the insanity there will be no more earth left, are races the human or any thing will be left on this planet. Man is the only thing that distructs it's self besides of Natural Causes, Humans due distructive things to each other and them selves with out reliving the harm they are causing every day of there lives.
  • If there is any world left in 100 years every one is going too be one race all into one. Then every one will be the same color and race. How does everyone feel about that? would people like that or Not?
  • Alright. I love to goof off, but I will compose myself, sit down crooked and talk straight. I sincerly hope that we all spend less time playing "spy versus spy" and trying to see who can bomb the others first. We do not have to be buddies. Heck, we don't even have to love each other, just stay in our own yards if we have a problem with each other. Love each other enough to leave each other alone and put the toilet seat down when we are finished. (I had to throw in something goofy.)
  • I'll just be happy if we, meaning mankind, are still here in 100 years...
  • Either we'll live in a perfect utopia. Or we'll all be extinct. Let's hope for the former.
  • Absolutely Fantastic, Loving and Peaceful - all under the personal reign of one Jesus Christ - King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I hope to see you there and then.
  • With the way the world is going now; I have serious doubts IF the world will exist anywhere like we know it today in 100 years .... then too; think 2012 .... Hmmmm +5
  • More crowded.
  • Walk outside and picture it pretty much like now except you'll need an oxygen generator to breath. Technology will advance and the same assholes will still rules over us like the "lords" they like to fashion themselves as and anyone without their own personal oxygen machine that extracts whatever is left simply dies and the self appointed "lords" will have them shoveled into giant pits and just buried in unmarked mass graves or just leave them to rot on the streets where they never have to live.

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