• I don't think I'll try it anytime soon.
  • No, I won't eat any meat, I'm vegetarian.
  • i would not eat it. we raise our own.
  • Yeah, I'd try it. Cloned one time is okay in my book. Making a clone of a clone, well, we all know of the movie Deliverance. How bad can it be? I think with most people it's moral issues not taste and nutrition issues.
  • No, I don't eat meat anyway, but I certainly wouldn't knowingly eat cloned meat, that's seriously messed up ;)
  • eww, i don't think so.
  • well yeah sure i mean i dont see why i couldent i mean yeah its just the same meat big whoop ():"so yeah
  • No way.
  • No. I do not like cloned meat or spam. I will not eat them Sam I am. When and where will cloning stop?
  • Not sure, Anyone see Multiplicity?
  • I was just talking to some friends about this. I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the morality of genetic cloning, but it seems to me that cloned meat and non-cloned meat would be the same. It's not like they stick a chicken in a cloning machine and *poof* you have an identical chicken. They take the DNA of an animal with desirable traits and grow a bunch of them. This is the way that I see it, but I'm certainly not an expert on the matter. Maybe my take is overly simplistic, or just plain wrong, but that's how I see it, so my answer is yes, I would eat cloned meat.
  • I'll try it. I bet that how the cow was raised (aka how it's fed, kept, etc,) has a much bigger impact on whether or not its good for me as compared to how it was born. Just something about the meat industry where they take a nice vegitarian cow, butcher it, and mix the left over bits into a high protien mix to raise the next batch of cows. I like my cows to stay vegitarians, not canibals. I pay the extra for the free range meat now. The more you read about the food industry the more depressing it is, i had to stop.
  • Eww, no, I wouldn't eat it. It's weird and scary.
  • Whatever happened to breeding animals normally,I most certainly would give the stuff a miss. If there was no option I guess I would wash it down with recycled water. I heave at the thought.
  • I won't have any choice, apparantly with the free trade agreement with Australia some of it will be imported here and it wouldn't be labelled as cloned. We won't know the difference when we buy it.
  • Yes, I'd eat cloned meat. It is genetically identical to that of a born animal, so there would be no safety issues. The FDA has done serious investigation into the safety aspect and found none. Also, I have no moral issues with it.
  • I only eat poultry sometimes and some sea foods. If producers cloned the kinds of meat I consume I can't say I would rush out and buy it. If the primary reason behind the move is just to maximize product and minimize time and expense then, no, I won't eat it. I grew up on a farm. I guess I'm more comfortable with following/yielding to the wisdom that comes from earth cycles and seasons.
  • No problem. I can think of no way in which clones animals, as meat, would differ from non-cloned animals. "Clone" just means "identical twin". Many animals often eaten for meat, such as sheep, often have identical twins.
  • Not knowingly.
  • It's times like these when I'm glad I don't have to worry about these things: I don't eat meat. Actually... I eat fish. Is that cloneable?
  • it won't be labeled any different as non-cloned meat therefore we cannot tell which we would be eating.....
  • That wouldn't be possible since the FDA is not responsible for the regulation of meat products, only the Department of Agriculture is.
  • If you ever ate at KFC, well you are almost there to eating cloned chickens.
  • if it is cloned, it is not meat....
  • i dont like to eat meat anyway ... yuck
  • W/BBQ sauce.. yumm!
  • Sure I would All they do in cloning is extract the DNA-filled nucleus from one adult body cell and put it in an egg cell. An organism grows from the egg like it normally would. It is not like you're creating an adult from an adult instantaneously. Besides, what difference does it make if two cows look the same? Would anybody even notice?
  • Once it is on the shelf how would I know. Scary
  • Sure, as long as it's been well-tested and there are no long-term health effects.
  • Sure. Dead animals are all the same on a bbq.
  • Yes, I have no problem with that.
  • I would not know anyway so why not.
  • Asked and answered -
  • You could eat it, but the real question is would you want to?
  • why not, wouldn't you eat a twin cow? Not much difference. But it would be awfully expensive. It costs about $100,000 to clone a horse.
  • Cloned and de-boned
  • I'd eat the hell out of a cloneburger
  • Sure, I think it's fine.
  • I had a Great steak last week now I want another just like it
  • No I would not. Not because it is cloned but because of all the steroids and hormones commercial meat has in it. I don't like killing animals but the reason I hunt is for chemical free meat. One elk will last me a whole year. It's virtually fat and chemical free and far better for you than any commercial meat, cloned or not.
  • Don't bother me. We will start having commercials about whose clone is better and we will have a real "Clone Wars"!
  • I believe that in many cases you will not know that you are eating it. I also believe that it couldn't be much worse than the genetically altered and hormone injected animals most eat now.
  • While it my not be any different as far as nutrition is concerned, I find it hard to believe that a piece of meat grown in a lab would be as tasty as a piece of grass-fed beef.
  • The FDA also allows HFCS and MSG in foods (that don't need it -- hummus doesn't require corn syrup!) without any labels to indicate it to the buyer, kept stevia off the markets for a long time because the people from Splenda paid them a bunch of money, doesn't appear to have any problem whatsoever with how farm animals are treated and what they are fed (corn and antibiotics), and think raw milk is TEH ULTIMATE EVIL! Even if I ate meat, I wouldn't trust the FDA.
  • With all the shit the FDA recalls, i don't trust ANYTHING they say.
  • The FDA hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha They are the idiots that Ok'd the drug Effexor.
  • I do not listen to what the FDA says for they tend to side with what big business wants regardless if it is safe or not.We have seen that many times throughout the years with recalls because of deaths.The study of cloned meat would take many years or decades to prove it's safeness,and since that has not been done and thrown into the public making them guinea pigs,I would not eat it.
  • I don't really know anything about it all so I don't really have a proper opinion, but I'd guess that it's fine to eat. And yeah why not.
  • Cloned meat is absolutely no different than any other animal meat. A living, breathing animal produced by using artificial cell splitting is no different from any other animal, and the meat is exactly the same.
  • Cloned meat is probably ok. But hormones...steroids...Ima try and stay as far away as possible.
  • I do, with a lot of appetite
  • Of course. I'll eat twin cows, I'll eat a cloned cow. I don't see why cloning would be a particularity effective method of producing meat, but whatever.

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