• nothing will happen but drinking someone elses blood is highly unhygienic u might catch a virus
  • You will get a good dose of iron.
  • you will probably be violently sick at best. human body is not designed to digest blood. when your body detects red blood cells in your stomach it assumes that you are bleeding internally and makes you vomit. there is only a very tiny amount of blood you can have in the stomach before it triggers that defense mechanism. as for drinking other ppl's blood you will also catch any desease this person has or ever had and developed immunity to it. for example if this person had a strep sore throat and is fine now the antibories in their blood will react in your body and you re 85% likely to develop a strep infection as well. dont forget aids, STDs, Hepatitis and all the more serious ones. so basicaly i recommend to stick to the good old burger and leave the blood drinking to the vamps in movies.
  • if you drink someone's blood that's infected with some type of sickness, like AIDS, then you'll get AIDS too.

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