• I think I once came very close to alcohol poisoning, but luckily threw it all up. Here is the story: I went to a friends party, and started drinking whatever there was in sight. Neat vodka and bacardi, martini, white wine, beer, cider, alchopops and peach schnapps. After a while I started to feel very very dizzy, when I went outside and sat down, I felt like i was being pinned to the floor. I kept rolling over to lying. When i tried to sit up i just flopped over again everything was spinning so bad. I had the sense to go in side and tell someone (no idea who) that i felt sick. I was sat on the sofa with a bucket. Pretty soon afterwards another friend was sat down next to me. I had the only bucket, and she vommed all over the floor. Just as I hear someone say 'why did we give amy the bucket!!!' I also threw up. Although i managed to get it all in the bucket I kept blanking out and dunking my hair in the sick. Every time they took the bucket away and gave it back i filled it up again (yes really, i filled up a washing bucket 3 whole times!!) I don't really remember much after that, except lying on the sofa trying to sober up. Except that i heard some people talking about me and my friend, saying that they wondered if they should call my mum. I physically could not talk, or move to tell them not to (they decided not to in the end becasue i was behaving myself and just sleeping). Once I had sobered up enough I realised that I had sick all in my hair which had spread over to my clothes. I staggered upstairs, and convinced my other drunken friend who had vommed to let me in. She had just got out of the shower, and had no clothes, becasue they were being washed. I walked in and just dunked my head and boobs in the sink, to try and get the sick off. I then sat on the loo, to be faced by my friend totally dropping her towel. I was eye level with her p*bes!!! I couldn't touch any type of alcohol for about 6 months without feeling like i was gonna vom!
  • Yes, once at age 18. It was very scary. I had been drinking alot of vodka with friends, then switched to beer and vodka. (submarines/chasers) I got very sick feeling and faint feeling, then passed out. My friends came to me soon because I hit my head and was bleeding. Fortunately they did, because I had also was BARELY breathing with a very weak pulse. Paramedics called, trip to hospital. My parents were called. I was very sick. Not sure what all they gave me or did but I was in the hospital very sick for 4 days and I didn't drink for a long time after that. My parents were stunned and very worried of course. The doctors told me I was lucky to be alive. I don't know what my alcohol blood level was, since back then they didn't have so many sophistocated devices. Whatever it was, it was much too high and a very stupid thing to do. I learned a huge lesson about "having fun" and also about doing things to excess.
  • When I was around 16 my parents went away for the weekend, so my 3 brothers had a massive party at the house. I drank, and drank and drank. All I remember is lying in my bed hallucinating, talking to people that were not really there, vomiting, and totally out of it for TWO days. Needless to say when Mom came home she took me to the ER. They said it was an overdose of alcohol. They watched me for 24 hours then sent me home. I still remember some of the hallucinations.
  • Never, but I've come too close for comfort a couple of times. Most notably: One night, I was all by my lonesome, except for the company of my cat and a big bottle of shiraz. Now, I am not a heavy drinker, so two good-sized glasses of wine usually send me to Buzzland. But I was by myself, and the wine was tasting really nice and going down rather easily. Before I knew it, half the bottle was gone (six glasses, maybe?) and I couldn't see straight. But some of the wine had yet to hit me. I got pretty scared and paranoid as soon as I started to feel really drunk. So I picked up the phone and called a friend to talk me through it, and then curled up in bed, talking to him. Two or three minutes into my conversation (which involed a lot of moaning and remarks of, "omigodiamsowastedwhatdoido"), I felt the wine (probably the only thing in my stomach at that point) starting to come back up. I vomited for a good five minutes, then dragged the trash can back into the bedroom with me. I continued to talk to my friend, occasionally dropping the phone to get rid of more of the wine. I closed my eyes for two minutes, and woke up six hours later, hanging off the edge of my bed and staring at a puddle of purple vomit on the carpet. Apparently I'd passed out and my body continued its natural detox cycle. It was a Tuesday morning, so I had to go to work. The first thing I thought was, "Did I get hit by a train? I feel like I got hit by a train." My cell phone was lying under me, still open, with a bunch of missed calls from the friend I'd been talking to. So from what I can deduce from the bits I don't remember so well, if I had been lying on my back I would have pulled a Jimi Hendrix and certainly wouldn't be writing this. Eeeeew, huh? :-)
  • Yes and you want the whole story? Parts are fuzzy so I will have to tell you what I was told after the fact. I was 19 years old when it happened. Ok I was drinking OJ and the cheapest Volka i could afford wich I think was like 10.00 for a gallon bottle and we bought 2 bottles there was like 5 for us drinking. After we ran out of OJ is was just drinking the volka straight. The last thing I fully remember is standing in my friends kitchen as the world started spinning and I was finding it hard to breath. This is the part my friends had to fill me in on later. I fell to the floor of the kitchen and was not breathing. My ex brother in law which was 15 had been drinking with me ran over and strated shaking me he said that I felt really cold so he picked me up and ran to my car. He started driving as fast as he could to our house (we all lived with my ex inlaws)on the way he passed a cop so he started flashing his lights to get the cops attention. The cop stoped and my ex brother inlaw told him what was going on. The cop called for an ambulance and started doing CPR on me. The ambulance got the and the rushed me to the vagas hospital. I woke up about 4 hours later to a really pissed off husband (that is another story). They had put about 5 sacks of saline in me. I had 3 broken ribs from the CPR and my throat hurt from the tube they shoved down my nose and throat to pump my stomach. They had problem with the IV so my arms looked like I had been shooting up for awhile. I have never been able to drink volka ever again just the thought of it makes me sick it took awile to drink OJ too. Did you also have a bad experience?
  • Ok I'll answer my own question! I have had it once almost twice I was a big drinking away my problems type girl! I was about 19 yrs old. I was in Houston staying with a friend after finding out my husband was cheating. We went and got a bottle of 100 proof hot damn, I got a big bottle of Jack Daniels (my fav. ) and we had some vodka to mix with stuff. I drank the bottle of jack first by my self I usually could finish a bottle by myself back then. Then I finished most of the hot damn my friend had some, and she kept telling me I needed to stop but my husband would call and piss me off more so I drank more. Then we started on the vodka doing body shots and stuff and by that time we had about 5-6 people over. After this I don't remember much! my friends said I walked into the kitchen to get a drink and pucked blood all over her new carpet and myself then blacked out cold on her floor (in my own puke) They had drugs there so they tried to avoid cops, they threw me in a cold shower and still nothing I just kept getting colder. So they got someone to leave me at the hospital and the doctors told me I had my purse with mine and my husbands info so they called him and he showed up. I had my stomach pumped and IV's which they found drugs in my system too so they had to do a few more things to clean out my system and get my body back up. I fianlly woke up seeing that bastards face. I'm ok now though. I don't drink but maybe one drink every once in a while when we go out.
  • Not sure--I got all this information second hand as I was beyond wasted. It was at a birthday party for me and a couple of friends who had birthdays near mine. Let's see, I drank Godiva chocolate liquer, raspberry liquer, beer, tequilla, coconut rum, champagne, wine. . . .you see where this is going unfortunately. Apparently, I passed out and stopped breathing. My boyfriend tried to revive me with cold water, a lot of shaking, and was on his way out the door to call an ambulance when I came to. He asked me if I needed anything and I giggled a lot and said "another beer" and passed back out. No, he did not get me another beer. He made sure I was breathing again (I was), put me in a lukewarm shower, and I threw up a lot. He kept me awake for obvious reasons until he felt like I had thrown up enough to go to bed and he stayed up and kept an eye on me. It took me 2 days to recover. I get a little queasy just thinking about it and this was a long time ago.
  • one week ago my husband almost died from alcohol poisoning. My husband started out drinking about 2:00p.m by 10:00p.m he had drank 18 beers,he then went to the bar in are small town.He then drank rum and cokes Im not sure on how many,he then passed out at the bar.It was 12:00 at night and the bartender had six guys bring him home. They told me that he had been pasted out for about halfhour,they brought him in and laid him on the floor.I noticed that he was not breathing right so I rolled him on his side in case he was to voimt.I then turned on the light and noticed that he was sweating and his lips were bluish pruplish in color ,his face was turning the same color.At that time I call 911.Frist the EMT showed up started oxagen checked his vitual sign his blood pressure was droping and his heart was racing.The paramatics showed up put him in the ambulace they then put a tube down this troat to open this airway and in case he was to voimt.I follows them to the hospital.I was told that a nurse would be out soon to talk to me.When she came out I was not prepared for what she was going to tell me.You husband is in very,very,very critical codition and is probley not going to make it.He had acute respatory failure.Plus he did voimt.His blood pressure was 50/30 and had a oxagen level of 10 normal is 90. They had to pump his stomch and lung he was put on a respredor as he was not breathing on his own.They then had to feed a line directly to his heart to put fluids back and blood pressure med.I was then able to go in and see him That was the hardest thing I had to do see him like that.I then went into shock.They brought a father in to bless him and spritual care for me and my family.About a hour later I was able to see him for the 2nd time.I started talking to him I gave him a kiss and a hug at that time he squezzed my hand and put it on his chest and then opened one eye.What a releif the frist sign that he might make it .He was then brought up to ICU by sunday night he was breathing on his own so thay took the tubes out,little bit later he was moved to a differnt floor.2 days later he was able to go home.Know body nows how he made it.but the good lord was there for him.
  • Vodka again, drinking on an empty stomach. Camping on a beach at a river drank way to much vomited a lot until everything was out of my stomach, then threw up all bile and finally a little blood, couldn't keep anything down for a whole day. I was so dehydrated i was having uncontrollable shivering, all my body was cramping up, and i couldn't tell if i was asleep or awake because it was all dreams and hallucinations. ps. (Hallucinations from dehydration are much cooler than any drugs and never made it to hospital)
  • I did not, 2 of my college roommates did and i was there both times. The first was a guy 6'2 ish and 280lbs ish. our school had a tradition first football game of the year everyone starts drinking at 10 am and goes to the 100 game wearing the ugly green bed sheets Res gives you. My buddy was drinking Beer to start i think and all during the game. then we had a party after in which i beleive he was drinking beer until we polayed fish bowls (everyone adds a shot of whatever they are drinking to the bowl in the middle and loser of the card hand drinks it, shots are given of what you are drinking thruought the hand too) and he really sucked at the game. he then switched over to rye and i beleive drank the 26 straight. we knew something was wrong when he went to stand up and fell back down breaking the couch and started calling one of the guys mommy. I drove him to the hospital they pumped his stomach and released him 2 hours later, he walked back to the party and started drinking again. the second was a girl 5'2ish and lucky if 100lbs. drank paraylzers most of the night then tried to drink jack daniels straight for a few hours. one of the guys dropped her during a piggy back ride, i beleive she hit her head. she started to vomit, didnt know who any of us were, or her own name. I took her to the hospital thinking more of concussion and with the booze it was making her sick. apparently she had alcohol poisoning and the fall made the symptoms escelate. they gave us some diuretics to give her every couple of hours and told us to not let her go to sleep for another 8 hours which is hard to do when you too have been drinking. she was flu like the next day and hung over two days later and about 3 days later started to feel better. to this day will not touch Jack.
  • i am currently going through alcohol poisoning now. It is defently the worst i have ever felt and have been sick for nearly 48hours. The pain in my stomach has been excruciating and have been to an emergency doctors twice to be put on a drip. I am out in spain where they dont measure there alcohol,and managed to drink 5 big glass of vodka and two beers which i am regretting now. I started to feel better the other day but as soon as i ate i felt bad again and have been sick ever since. I have been told by the doctors if im still in pain then i should go straight to hospital but im too scared to do that. I just want to feel better so badly, and cant see this ending!
  • I don't know if it was technically alcohol poisoning, but I did have to go to the hospital as a result of heavy drinking. We were in my friends dorm room, six of us, drinking the cheapest vodka nyc will sell. i had three shots, went for a walk, smoked, then came back, kinda high and just a little bit tipsy. What my friends tell me is that I drank around 16shots, but I do not remember anything past having five. I guess my idiot friends decided that we needed to go to this 24 hour diner a few blocks from where we live, so we walked there. I blacked out I guess twice. That's when they started to get concerned, got me some coffee to "sober up" and crackers. I kept screaming I WANT NO CRACKA and then giggling to myself, and then we started to walk back to the dorms. We walked up this flight of stairs, then i fell down them. My friends say I looked like a worm haha. So they thought I had a concussion or something, and I started vomiting, and the hospital was next door so they took me there. Worst experience of my life that I don't even remember. Control your drinking.
  • These comments are really stupid; everyone sounds proud of what they were drinking and like it was so much fun. My eighteen year old son went out with his friends, they had a party, he drank way too much and somehow drove his truck - off the side of a one lane bridge, thankfully for him the truck got hung up on an old tree and did not make the eight foot fall into a small creek. He supposedly got out of the truck, walked back to where the party had been and passed out on the couch. My husband and I got a call around 2:15am from the police, they had found the truck but couldn't locate our son; it was 30 some degrees outside and had been raining. We called for two hours trying to locate him; finally one of his friends told us where he was. His other "friends" were going to let him "sleep it off", mainly they didn't want to get in trouble. My son was unresponsive, I slapped him (hard)repeatedly and yelled at him without any type of response from him. He looked like he was dead. At one point when I jerked him to where he was sitting up, he fell in the floor tried to open his eyes and then spit in the floor and fell back over. We took him to the hospital, called the police and there we stayed another two hours. At the hospital my son became agressive, he hit at a female nurse (thankfully barely touching her), the police had to restrain him briefly. During this two hour period my son never moved, never spoke unless the nurses were trying to do something with him and then he was cursing, and never opened his eyes. He did however manage to pee all over himself. The detective on the case estimated his blood alcohol level to be around 0.38 to 0.39 easy; he was very surprised that my son was alive. Everyone thinks that my slapping my son and jerking him around is what kept him alive. I don't know, I just know that I never want to go through that again. Unfortunately, my son doesn't recall much of the night - he lost five and half hours. During that time, he could have been robbed, raped, or while he was driving he could have killed someone and never knew it. So the next time any of you decide to drink, and it sounds like many of you still are; think about your family that may get a call early in the morning saying your missing or that they have found your alcohol smelling dead body on someones couch.
  • i had alcohol poisoning once when i was fourteen. i dont really remember much of it but heres what i remember and what my friends told me later on... my parents were going away for the night so i had to sleep over my friends house. we planned on getting drunk so i brought over three water bottles filled with plain vodka. my first few cups i mixed with soda. but then i started getting drunk and my whole face was numb so i started chugging cups and cups of plain vodka because i just couldnt feel it. the next thing i remember is falling and hitting my head on the floor. then me and my friends went to the park because she was afraid her parents would find out that we were drunk (even though it was clear that i was) so this kid that was with us had to carry me all the way to the park because i kept on falling over and i was passing out the whole way. then when we got to the park, i started puking all over the place. these people that were there asked my friends if i was okay, and they said yes. thankfully, the people realized that i wasnt okay so they called an ambulance. im glad they did because apparently i was barely breathing. the next thing i remember was waking up in the emergency room at 3:00 in the morning. i had a really painful IV in my arm that was supposed to be giving me potassium or something. i came really close to dying that night and my BAC was five times over the legal limit. scariest night of my life. and ever since then, the thought of vodka, or any other alcohol for that matter, completly repulses me. i havent been drunk since.
  • '/
  • ok this is my b/f story my brother him and i was drinking on jan 18 2008 we had a case of coores light and a bottle of sailor jerry. we was playing a drinking game called water fall after we killed the case i decided to go to to bed because i was tired well my b/f and my brother decided they was going to stay up and continue drinking later that night i awoke to my love on the bed next to me making a strange duck noise i turned on the light to see his eyes rolled in the back of his head he wasn't breathing i figured out he was going into a seizure quickly i tried to get him up but alas he would not wake so i called my brother to come in and help me but he was passed out feeling like i had no choice i called my brothers friend and his dad to come over and help me get him to the hospital he didn't want to cooperate all he did was yell it hurts it hurts and asking for me saying "i want juli where is juli" i kept telling him over and over that it was me i was right there but he didn't recognize me ....thats when i knew something was really wrong so i called poison control to find the signs of alcohol poisoning they said about every symptom thathe was havening so i called 911 i didn't want to because i knew he couldn't afford the ambulance bill but i didn't want him to die the ambulance arrived with several cop cars they was asking me questions when the emt went to get him from my bedroom .. when they wheeled him out he was motionless not moving. i walked up to the ambulance door and i asked them where they was taking him and when i seen him he was fine well not even 5-10 minuets later a officer comes up to me and said he's going to jail he hit two officers and spat on a emt i tried to tell them that wasn't him the person in the ambulance isn't him thats the alcohol doing it well they arrested him anyway when he got out of jail he told me his side of what he remembered and it was kinda the same story just bizzar like he thought the iv in his arm was a snake that was crawling in and out of his skin so he ripped it out he said voices were muffled and his vision was really blurry and couldn't make out faces . hits the reason he didn't recognize me they told me his blood alcohol level was 6x the legal limit and now he has to go to court for the incedent and he has 2AM battery charged on him and public intox witch is bull becuase they had to take him out of my house to put him in the ambulance
  • I forget which holiday it was..but I was going out with my friends my freshman year of college and we were pre-gaming in their room. I started ripping shots of svedka and I have no idea how much I drank but apparently it was too much for me.I don't remember much because I blacked out but I managed to stumble back to my room at about 1am and started getting sick continually until about 5pm the next day. I didn't feel completely myself until about a day later. It was awful! Never again!
  • yeee, i did get alchohol poisoning -i was 14. I was actualy a very good kid. But then , all my friends started partying and drinking, smoking, using drugs. name it. I was labeled by my friends as the pussy. I didn't drink, i didn't smoke. So then, i just decieded to go to this party with my friend. We arranged everything. we bought the alchohol, i told my parents i was sleeping there. It seemed like a flawless plan. But i didnt think of the possible consequences. I drank, and kept on drinking and then this is the story from wat i've been told cause the rest is blank: i went on some couch with this guy and started making out with him. Then the cops came , my friend came and told me we had to leave but i was too drunk to care. My friends all blew me offf and left without me. Wen the cops came they asked me and the guy to leave. We walked out the house and i told him i wanted to lie on the grass cause i wasnt feeling well. i started puking and passing out. then there are some rumors he was still making out with me, others that he was helping me out. a car passing by noticed me and the guy laying on the gross and me puking. they called the cops. When the cops arrived, seeing my position, they called an ambulance. i then went to the hospital, and my parents arrived, when i woke up the next morning, i had no clue this had all hapened. in fact, i thoought it was a dream.
  • Yes, twice, and I'm a 16 year old girl, 5'3" 130 pounds. First time was 12 shots of whiskey in 10 minutes, that was my first time getting drunk too. I blacked out immediately after I began puking and when I woke up I was slouched, barely breathing and there was barf all down my front, so much that it had piled up in my lap and was pouring on my floor. Everything around me was bright red because it was blood I threw up so much. I couldn't move and I couldn't talk, I couldn't even move my eyeball. I sat like that for a couple hours until I was able to get up and I got in the shower fully clothed. I continued puking for a very, very long time and since this was my first time drinking I didn't have the sense to drink water so I continued to puke my stomach lining and beyond. I was also by myself. The second time was last night haha. I had a cherry saturated in Everclear, 3 shots of vodka, 5 jello shots, 5 beers, and 5 shots of Everclear which mind you is 95% alcohol. I was in my car at a huge party with a guy and a girl and we were listening to music. Next thing I know I'm alone and I'm on the ground outside my car throwing up, face first in the grass. Soon my friend came and gave me a bunch of blankets and some people kept bringing me water, excess of 10 cups but I only remember the first, and I supposedly knocked over most lol. I remember trying to drink and just throwing it on my face hoping to get it in my mouth because I couldn't coordinate it. I blacked out for a couple hours and when I woke everyone was asleep in their cars/the house. I went inside to pee and puke a bunch and drink big amounts of water, I was balling my eyes out because of the horribleness, and I don't cry, not when I got my lip/tongue pierced, not when I found my grandma, mom, and sister have cancer. The sickness was that bad. I went back to my car to get my phone out of it and I semi-fainted on the grass, face first, puked 3 times huuuuge amount of water and I remember I couldn't move my face out of it, it was hard to breath and I was slowly drowning in it. I remember it was so cold outside, that all I could see was steam from the vomit, and being thankful for that small amount of warmth on my face. I was shivering uncontrollably, enough to possibly have been seizuring. Eventually, I stopped shivering because my body gave up trying to keep me warm. After a while I was able to roll over and look at the sky, wondering if I was going to survive this, and wishing for death, to end it. I was able to get my phone and I texted this to my friend who was asleep inside the house "im so sick im ouking eberwhewre eberyonw alseep pleadse fucking help me" but her phone was shut off so she didn't get it until the next day. Somehow I was able to call home and I asked my parents to come get me that I was sick and puking and they did. They made me shower right away because I was completely soaked in vomit and dew from the cold, it was 4:30am. I woke up 4 hours later still having the spins. My left shoe, car keys, and money was lost in my stupor but luckily they are nice people and gave it all back to me haha. Both times I threw up in excess of 25 times, most likely more because I was blacked out and unable to know how many times. My birthday is in 3 days, I'm sure last night won't be my last time kissing death :)
  • It happened the night before last and to tell you the truth I don't remember most of the night but I will piece it back together from things that my friends and brother told me. I started drinking alot, and I was sitting down the whole time so I didn't realize how drunk I was getting (I am on crutches) I started asking for water becuase the only thing people were handing me to drink was alcohol, the first sip of water and I threw up on the floor. I then passed out on the couch of my friends house, but my brother wanted to go home so he woke me up and carried me to the car (I was unresponsive at this time) We pulled up to the house and I started throwing up all over myself. (There was no plumbing at the place we were staying at) They got my shirt changed and I was laying on the floor trying to tell them I had to go to the bathroom, so they brought me outside. I couldn't undo my pants and ended up crapping all over myself (So not a fun thing to find out in the morning) They did get me washed off and in different clothing, I had to do the laundry today, and clean up the puke out of the car. This whole incedent is especially distressing to me becuase I had never even thrown up from alcohol before that night. I didn't end up going to the hospital, but I could barely sip water the whole next day, and the only thing I could keep down were pilot crackers. That was possibly the most disgusting thing that had ever happened to me, I know I will not be drinking for awhile... -I think I was drinking, tequila, peppermint snapps, rum, beer, and gin. (I finished a little over two fiths of liquor and a couple of beers.)
  • I haven't but my sister did. I don't know what she was drinking, I think it was vodka... she was like 15 or 16. She was pissed at me & a friend of hers for telling her that she "didn't inhale her cigarettes" (because we were asshole kids). All I remember is hearing her slamming doors and running into things, so I opened my door so I could keep an ear on her... and I heard a crash in the next room, then her say something real quietly. I went into the room and she was laying on the floor with blood all over her arms... she had been cutting herself. I called my mom (who conveniently works at the hospital), and she came home and we took her in. She could barely walk and was vomiting often, but was acting really silly and joking about everything. We took her to the hospital and they injected her with something to induce vomiting, and we were there for a couple of hours while she got it out of her system.
  • A bunch of my friends and me in the summer we're at one of my friends house's before we all went camping. I had baught a court of fireball to drink straight to myself. I drank it before we made it to the camp ground which was in about an hour time, STRAIGHT. After we finally figured out how to put the tents up and start a fire I went into the woods to pee. My best guy friend came up me because I was to drunk and no one thought i'd be able to find my way back to the camp site. We went in the woods then all of a sudden I fell to my hands and knees and starting vomiting non stop. My friend had to carry me out of the woods and he set me down when I kept puking for a good 2 hours. We were so far into the woods that they couldn't take me to a hospital or anything, I just had to let it all out of my system. I don't remember a thing during that point. But I have never draken fireball since.
  • this happened last night. im so hungover. by the way im 15 and weigh about 115. i hadnt drank in the longest time so when i heard about my friends party i was so excited and planned on getting really wasted that night. we had a bottle of rum but no shot glasses so i just guessed the amount and probably took 4 or 5 shots in about 15 minutes. i was feeling pretty good and then we started smoking some pot but after my first hit i got really dizzy and i thought it was because i was high. i grabbed the rum again and probably had 4 more shots after that and then started falling all over the place laughing. i was so happy but i couldnt see straight to save my life. next thing i remember im on the bathroom floor throwing up into a bucket with my friend trying to take care of me. she brought me water but i didnt want it so i apparently craftily tried to pour it over myself. lol. after that i remember being in a bathtub with only my underwear on even tho there were guys there. i threw up twice and then realized i was laying in my puke so i got up and put my friends clothes on (i barely remember doing any of this, i really dont know how i could function). thats all i remember but my friend told me that i threw up 4 more times after that and passed out on the bed. i woke up at 7 the next morning still really drunk and had to walk home. i finally felt a little better around noon but i still have a terrible hangover with nausea and shakiness. im pretty sure i came really close to being in real trouble but i didnt go to the hospital.
  • yes, i was drinking every other day for 1 week prior to a party. i was drinking jack daniels downhome punch and blackjack cola mixed with all sorts of sodas. everything was fine up till the party. so the day of the party i hadnt drank all day and when we arived we all did a celebratory shot of strait jack daniels whiskey. then i did a runner of 5 jack daniel shots in less than 1 minute. i felt it almost within 2 minutes. i was drunk and having an awesome time. then i made the mistake of drinking a beer and having one more shot of jack. we all wanted to watch a ufc fight at a public place and we all went. in the back seat of the car i suddenly felt too dizzy and wanted to lay down so i did. but when we got to the fight i couldnt walk. my friends helped me stumble in and sit down for 5 minutes before i had to go use the bathroom. so i got up and fell on like 6 people on my way to the bathroom. and i decided to sit down on the john and suddenly i felt very weak and let my head slouch down. within 30 seconds i was puking and was delusional. my buddies pulled me out of the bathroom and out of the backdoor of the place. apparently they called the police for an underage guy drinking...but we jetted outta there and werent busted. in the car i felt like i was dreaming and was moaning and groaning all the way letting my heavy head swing and sway with all the turns we made. i couldnt walk anymore when i got home to my brothers apartment and they had to carry me but dropped me and hit my head on the concrete..not too much damage just a little scratch. i was throwing up for hours and finally they put me in the bathtub and i didnt want to hear anything. i just sat there and they thought i was dead. i managed to groan to let them know i was alright. the next day was worse. i woke up and crawled to the toilet to throw up some more. i was on and off throwing up till i had to leave on a road trip to florida with my grandpa. i made it perfectly and he didnt suspect a thing but i was just miserable. i had to throw up more in the car...luckily i had a cup to puke in. and thats how i spent my 18th birthday. throwing up in a car for 12 hours....miserable. i havent drank for 2 months since then and am having my first drink tonight...wish me luck everyone
  • well it was a saturday night and it was me and two of my other friends. we were coming back from some kids house and we saw two of our guy friends.they asked us if we wanted to drink and me and my other friend yes,but my other friend said no and left us. so whatever,we went to go drink and we drank 2 big bottles or bacardi and smirnoff. My friend and me have a drinking contest like stupid people. we drank a big bottle of bacardi alone. the guys barely drank. then my friend stopped but i kept going. after we finished the bottle i got up and i was feeling so dizzy! Then i walk a few steps and i knock out! i fell to the floor really hard and i was unconscious, also my other friend was too. so the two guys called my bestfriend and they told her everything was fine but it wasnt. so my best guy friends go looking for us and when they found me and my friend we were both passed out on the floor. we were pale,not even breathing,foam was coming out of our mouth and also we barely had right away my guy friends called my mom and the hospital. an ambulance and they put me in it first because i was worse than my friend. then in the hopstial our parents came and they us two still unconscious on the hospital bed. my friend woke up and left by 4 am but i didnt leave until the later on like 3 pm in the after noon. i woke up with tubes everywhere. i felt so sick. i started to cry so much. i regerted what i've just done. i have lost respect for myself and i lost my moms trust. as soon as i got home my good/real friends were there waiting for me. i had a hangover for at least 1 week. it was the worst. then in that week a police officer came to my house and told me i had to do a drinking program and i had to do community service because under age drinking -.0 at the moment and still now i regert what i did.

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