• Naw. Just let him spew his poison. His vile words only work against him. Just as an example, telling grieving parents that their children are dying in war because of a plague of gays on the earth is ludicrous and it devalues the soldier who puts his heart and soul into a cause that he or she believes to be just and worthy of his/her struggle. It's a slap in the face to the soldier and his/her family. No one, aside from his inbred family, follows this man, and his gay bashing only serves to show how totally ridiculous his opinions and attitudes are. It just *might* make others look inside themselves and see how preposterous their own hate and prejudice are. He's a little like a 'shock jock' and he is reviled by most everyone who is aware of him. He doesn't speak the word of God. He speaks the word of hate and intolerance and evil. His master lies elsewhere. No one who actually believes themselves to be a Christian can possibly look upon him with anything other than disgust.
  • No. I'm no murderer, and besides, who is he?
  • i dont understand how that man isnt arrested for hate crimes. i believe he would be in canada. dont worry tho karma will get him.
  • He is not worth the effort and his bad karma will catch up to him soon enough for his hate of others that are not like him.
  • I think you already got your army for that job. Just ask enough people.
  • I don't really want to "Kill" anyone . However; Fred Phelps needs to be smitten down with the right hand of God , so that he NEVER speaks or walks AGAIN .
  • As long as it's a mercy killing. TT I don't really care. What would you have me do?
  • no, but I would like to dance on his grave after he dies.
  • OMG!! I just watched a documentary about that church, he is a bad person. Especially what he does to KIA soilders/marines families, he is so far from being a good christian, I think maybe he is just a fruit that wants attention and will do anything for it!! I'm Irish, he has the website, that got to me personally but still the "protests" at the KIA funerals is the worst
  • No. In fact, call me stupid for asking, but who is Fred Phelps?
  • lol, I didn't know the guy so I went to wikipedia and he doesn't sound nice. Doesn't look like he can even keep a straight opinion. While he judges others on theirs. He should practice what he preaches.
  • Just neutralize him.
  • I'm sure you'd have a long line of volunteers. I, however, would never kill anyone. Even though I am lesbian and find him to be one of the sickest, sorriest, evil piece of human filth that ever walked this planet, people DO need to see who he is and what he does. I don't know how he and his inbred family of intolerant bigots have not all been thrown in jail. There is nothing remotely "Christian" about him or the Westboro Baptist church. Karma will catch up with him. He's paved his own path to hell. I'd love to protest HIS funeral and dance on his grave, though!
  • If Fred Phelps is this weird derranged mental guy, then who is Micheal Phelps? his son?
  • You’re a captain at sea. Off in the distance you see a lighthouse. Which is more harmful to your boat the bright showy lighthouse with its loud horn or the rocks it’s warning you of. Fred Phelps is a half dead already big mouth fool. He serves one purpose that is to define homophobe. He does it so well that for this alone he should live. Far better for us to keep our eyes on the half submerged rocks like rat singer or Dobson they actually have followers.
  • count me in!
  • Me, me, me!!! how do we do it? quietly when he sleeps? publicly, when he speaks? I couldn't really, but you go ahead!
  • His video filled me with RAGE!! I am STUGGLING not to throw this monitor out the WINDOW! I'm not gay but I am a victim of the North Queensland Floods and that was bad enough I Cannot imagine what the victorian people are going through! Phelps does not even qualify as a human being! he is the devil himself!! he will rot in hell and so will his disgusting, ferrel, fugly daughter! Hed better never came to Queensland because if I saw his ugly face I WOULD kill him with my bare fists! I hope I see him murdered on the front page of the news and good luck to him with his christianity becuase if he really is one his one and only god will be the fiery depths of hell! I am going to send a petition around via email to have him and his daughter arrested for hate crimes. Australians do not deserve the fires ... nor his ****!
  • Say im overreacting but im an australian and i stand by my previous comment ... i seriously hope he dies a gruesome and painful death. I will then fly to America just to dance on his grave and set it and his church on fire.
  • He is coming to my town again to spread his love of HATE....I do not wish anyone dead but if I had to choose someone he is at the top of my list.
  • No, I do not want to kill anybody, nor do I want to hear of anybody getting murdered. that is terrible.

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