• The PS2 runs on a proprietary Operating System developed by..of It is not possible to download that operating system (as it is) on a pc, as it was not made to support all of the various devices a PC uses. It is possible to play some PS2 games on your computer though. "Emulators" (software programs designed to mimic the opartaion of another operating system) are in a constant state of development and evolution. Some of the older system (PS1, N64, super nintendo...etc) alreday have emulators that willallow you to play virtually any game in their library's on your PC. The ones for the PS2 though are still in development, as the PS2's OS is hard to emulate, and is so new. check out ( for an updated list of emulators completed or in development. Click on "emulators for" and the OS your PC is using on the right hand task pane. Be advised that while playing legitimate copies of PS2 or other games on your pc is legal, playing copied games (in cases that you DON'T own the original IS NOT). good luck, and happy hunting shaggy
  • i tried flashing pc bios with xbox bios but turnd out no luck because it required an os so the emulators are the best so me and my friends are trying to make os which can support all gaming consoles and recommended hardware configs are pentium 4 or higher processors dvd rw 256 mb or higher graphics and 1 gb ram and 80gb or higher hdd this os goes by the name GAMEALL it is just about 500 mb and supports even tv tuner cards and joypads you can use the driver which u use for windows and you can update them any time you wanted and we are going to finish it on 16th june 2008 and please send us some comment so that service will be available to you my id is thank you and keep looking
  • and what do you think an os does
  • we are on oliday in a caravan & its worked for 3yrs ok, but now only a couple work, cant connect it anywhere as in a caravan

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