• Technically, yes. If someone does not do something freely and enthusiastically of their own volition, some level of manipulation, coercion, or force is used. If I put a gun to your head, I force you to choose between obeying me and death. People force others to do things all the time (consider rape).
  • YES! the last 14 years of my life was tainted by doing something I didn't want to do. OH! Sweet freedom!!! Feel free to ask me how grotesquely sharp my bull shit detector is now?
  • Believe me, people can, will and do. Very much so, no matter how much you fight.
  • Yes...But It's not the best thing to do to anyone at anytime...Unless it's for there good...Health wise..Not your opinion wise
  • Yes they can. But in most cases it is much more harmful than if they negotiated with them or let them decide on their own. It also often causes long term resentment and even hateful feelings. Forcing anything is against natural laws and to be avoided, IMO. It will come back to bite you usually, one way or another.
  • Yes. The best way to is peer pressure, which is the worst thing to do to a friend.
  • I think if you play mind games and bully someone enough they can be convinced to do something that they know is wrong. I think if you tortured me in some way, deprived me of sleep, water or food, it would only be a few days before I had some type of mental collapse and do things against my better judgement. There is this thing called "Stockholm Syndrome" and you can actually begin to identify with someone like a kidnapper and then magnify every little kindness shown to you just to keep your sanity intact. I think this happened to Patty Hearst because under normal circumstances, she would have not acted like a terrorist herself.
  • Yes. A good example is suicide cults where a leader drives hundreds of people to mass-suicide and then walks away to start a new one. Those people in normal situations won't do that so we may say they were forced.
  • No. Ultimately, it is up to that person to actually choose whether to do that particular thing. If someone puts a gun to my head, I still choose whether to listen or not. you can say they force me to choose, but that's a paradox. choices are always made, even if it's choosing to choose at that moment, that in itself is a choice. So in terms of forcing a choice, it's not possible to actually control someone else. There certainly very effective ways of getting someone to do something, but in the end, it's their choice.
  • Yes you can, hold a gun to their head for instance and i am sure you will get what you want. Mind you, i am not personally for forcing someone to do something, each person should be able to make their own decisions in life.
  • No. It's a matter of finding what that person cannot refuse. Like holding a gun to someones head- if that person fears dying for whatever reason- he has made the choice to comply with your request based on his fear. If that person doesnt fear dying- you gotta kill him or accept that what you want done will not be bo done by that person.
  • I think people get forced to do things all the time they do not want to do whether it is physically forced, mentally forced or forced by necessity. I think many people go to work each day out of necessity to pay bills and live. Others may be forced to do things by a spouse, parent or boss they don't want to do but they do out of fear or respect.
  • Sure you can. As long as you are bigger than they are. Like, mom: "Go to bed!" kids, "Wait!" Mom: I'm coming up there!" Kids: "We're in bed! Goodnight mom, we love you!" hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha Gave points for the happy bunny avitar- LOVE IT.
  • Of course. Your government does it every day. On the more macabre side, thugs on both sides of the badge have been doing this since Cain slew Abel. The ability to be persuaded then is determined by the degree one values one's own life. Those who have eternal life are not so easily dissuaded by the hovering spectre of death. For them, death is merely a doorway (witness the martyrs in the Roman Collesium and the soon-to-be ones who will refuse to take the mark of the beast!). In the final analysis, one can be forced to do something to the degree that they are willing to die for the consequences.
  • Are you looking at this? If so, I consider the answer to your question to be a resounding 'yes' - never forget that 'force' is not always overt, physical or obvious : )
  • Yes you can but it usually won't last because people are always going to end up doing what they want in the end. Just that whole "free will" thing. Why would you want to force someone to do something they did not want to anyway?
  • yes, thats why i am still in a job i hate at a company that treats it's workers like the Pharaoh's expendable slaves/ building block grease.
  • Sure, I can force my kids to clean their rooms!

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