• Male or Female? What is their body type? Do they exercise/workout or are they a couch potato? Fitness is not a number on a set of scales, fitness is body fat percentages which, depending on the body type, its structure (bone size, bone density) gender and even racial aspects (granted we humans share the general shape, however racial tendencies toward how muscle muscle mass, how much fat mass, how much organ mass, etc is there and is taken into consideration when computing healthy body mass) all have to be measured in a manner that is not just weight. Arnold Schwarzenegger was 6'2 (ish) weighing around or about 300 pounds. according to height to weight ratios the man was grossly obese. According to BMI charts he was grossly obese. BUT we all know that he was a body builder, carrying around lean muscle mass - NOT fat. Of course his example is obvious, however we underestimate lean muscle mass when we look as scales. Average/Normal are meaningless terms when we discuss individual weight/BMI even doctors dislike the charts in day to day practice for the 'average' patient. Body Fat Percentage measurement is best done by either a doctor or a certified Gym Trainer. If you are going with weight then the best method is the buoyancy measurement where you are weighed in and out of water - fat is less dense than water causing you to float, organs, bone, muscle are heavier causing you to sink.

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