• I think we all need an outlet to complain. There will always be things that bug us about our s/o. I think talking to friends is the best way. It's pretty normal.
  • Yes, I think its good for hubby to let off steam. I complain about him to my girl friends, I think we all need outlets. Mind you I wouldn't want he complaining to everyone, especially his mother and as long as the person/persons he complains to doesn't involved, I don't see it being a problem.
  • I already got this lecture from my wife, she says its a no. But I believe as long as it not bashing, rather than looking for advice on how to deal with a situation from a more knowledgable person, then its OK.
  • I often complain about my wife as i know she complains about me to her friends. If it's harmless letting off steam, i think that is pretty healthy but if it's harmful, that's another story.
  • If it is "wife bashing" then no....if it is complaining and asking for advice, then that is OK. however, somethings you just should not tell your guy friends about. Somethings should be just between a husband and wife.
  • ya because almost every wife/ girlfreind does already.
  • No! it is insulting, if you love someone then you dont do that!
  • If he can't whine to his friends, who CAN he whine to? Though, there is a difference between "complaining" and "bashing".
    • Nosmo King
  • If you do it with yours, than why can't he do it with his??
  • I don't think so, him complaining to his friends wont fix anything in our relationship. My husband is open, and if he has an issue he tells me so we can sort it.
  • Interesting... I think men tend to be fixers which can become a problem when men share problems. If the friend sees his sharing as a sign that something needs to be fixed then he may figure the wife to be a problem for his friend. Females on the other hand know how to listen and leave it there.
  • Why not, we do!!!
  • The first thirty minutes are free, but after that it's 20 bucks a minute or every 2 minutes they go over the original free minutes before the 20 minutes started. Sign a contract, it's easier.
  • I think that is betrayal of the intimacy of the marriage. I also don't like women to tell their girlfriends or family chapter and verse about their husbands. That means you are untrustworthy to keep confidences. Doesn't speak well for your character. Just my opinion. The only thing that is o.k. is to tell your family/friends whatever is wonderful about your spouse. The unwonderful stuff belongs at home, between the two of you. :)
  • Women complain about their husbands to their friends so why not?....sometimes it is good to vent....
  • better to let him complain to them, then you don't have to listen to him complain. lol
  • When talking among friends, especially other married ones, it is a great comfort.
  • who else are we going to complain to
  • No. Disagreements should stay within the couple's private lives. A person that complains to his friends risks having his friends complain about him behind his back when they grow tired of it.
  • I don't see why not, women complain about their hubands to their girlfriends. I don't see a problem with venting to your friends about your spouse as long as the real issue is being dealt with at home.
  • My ex did that. It was so annoying. His friends hear a one sided story and judge me according to the side they hear. They started to convince him to leave me and that put a lot of strain in the relationship. After one of his friends took the time to get to know me.. he apologized and we became close friends. You see, what goes on between two people can only resolve within those two people. Arguing in public is so unattractive.
  • I don't think it's right for either spouse to complain about their mate to outsiders. It may make you feel good to get it off your chest, but it's not doing anything to address the problems. It's like breaking a confidence. Spouses should expect that what goes on between the two of them, most of it anyway, is private and it is an invasion of privacy to complain and gossip about the other one. I can see having a serious problem and wanting to get some help, but even that should be a last resort and not just venting.
  • I dont think so...I think personal issues should be kept private. This goes for wife or husband complaints.
  • Only if he doesn't mind her complaining about him to those same friends.
  • It's not exactly classy to do so, but when you need to talk something out, sometimes the person who is creating the issue IE S/O can't be the one you go to. So then it's go insane, leave your S/O, or b!tch to your friends.
  • Three rules to complaining about your spouse to your friends: 1. Never insult your spouse in front of others. 2. The goal should be to relieve YOUR stress concerning the situation. Seek a resolution or plan of action as a result of the complaining. 3. Balance the complaint. Tell the whole story. Most people's actions are re-actions to something.
  • If the reason for the complaining is obvious to the friend(s) then not only is it okay, but it is essential for the man's mental health. Same goes if the shoe is on the other foot. By "obvious", I mean this: If your spouse berates you in front of others, then it's obvious to those folks that you have something to be feeling bad about. Everyone needs a sounding board, especially when preparing to confront a spouse who berates them and who wants the relationship to work. Having said that, it would be unwise and unproductive for a man to complain about his wife to the most misogynistic friend that he has. That will lead to a woman bashing session that yields no healing balm to the relationship that awaits the man at home. Same for a wife with the most rabid man-hating friend that she has.
  • Nope! If he wants to complain about me, he should come to me. Not whine about me to his friends.
  • I don't think it's okay. I think it's not nice for a husband to do that.
  • I think it's a mestemenaur if he DOESN"T
  • I'd rather say it to her, that way it won't come back around to bite me in the butt.
  • I don't think so. You should only speak well of your spouse in front of others. If you have something to complain about, talk to your spouse about it. However, I do feel it is okay for a husband or wife to ask for help with THEIR feelings concerning a situation from a trusted, same sex, friend.
  • It's not a good idea.If you complain about your S/O to others,there's a good chance your friends will remember your complaints about that person and (dislike them for it)long after you've forgotten your gripes.
  • Not really. But it's understandable... We all have to vent sometimes, and to who better than our friends?
  • as long as he doesnt talk shit and is just blowing steam. every guy will do it because no marriage is perfect.
  • Yes of course. I think that husband and wife should be best friends also as love. they should say each other everything and they ll be happy for all their life ;)
  • As long as he accepts that it is equally okay for her to complain about him to her friends, yes.
  • Well it happens but I don't know how good it is. It would be opening the intimacies of your marriage to others which I'm not sure is wise. Of course I have shared some very intimate things about my husband with friends and sometimes gently made fun of him which is all part of female bonding so I guess men do it too. Though I know my husband would be very discreet - more so than I am. Because that's just the way he is.
  • NEVER! Keep what goes on in your marriage in your marriage unless it involves physical injury then go to the proper authorities. Your marriage problems will become water fountain gossip that will escalate in to very bad stories.

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