• In a disaster this big, everything everybody did helped. I'd say most of the blame can be put off on the government as their laws and policies dictate behavior.
  • The financial institutions.
  • It is the fault of the policies of our government and the greed of the American people....straight....
  • The bankers. It isn't surprising that merchant banker is used as rhyming slang.
  • There is enough blame to go around. It is not any one group of people. Citizens buying more house that they could afford. Banks for loaning more than people could repay. Government for encouraging banks to lend to people who had shaky credit to begin with. Greedy Wall Street people investing money they didn't have.
  • government...and especially pres. bush
  • this economy is the norm. this is what it is supposed to be. the economy just got puffed up by the real estate agents and the banks.
  • People who bought more house than they can afford. You don't blame the gun manufacturer for the murder, why blame the banks or the government for the economic disaster?

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