• If it heals crooked or you some lose function of it, you made a HUGE mistake by risking not getting it checked out. Obviously we can't answer that question for you. Get it checked out or risk the chances of a bad outcome later. If you have to wait til Monday, at least tape it to the finger next to it so it is straight and cannot be moved.
  • If you can't move it, and it's hurting like hell, it's probably broken. You should go to the doctor and get attention soon otherwise it might totally dislocate or something. But if it's not possible, you should get like a posiscle stick and stand it up with your finger, and then tie them together with a cloth so that your finger stays upright.
  • If you are going to wait a couple of days for examination, do the following: Go to a drugstore. Purchase a foam-covered metal splint (I've purchased a box with several sizes) and some medical adhesive tape of some sort (the self-stick gauze works well). Place the finger on the splint and wrap it with the self-adhesive tape until it's well-protected and essentially immobile. Try to use the finger as little as possible until you can have it medically examined by a professional.
  • As long as its just cracked.If its broken/not straight they will have to re-brake it.
  • Take any rings off that hand because it’s going to swell and then you'll have to cut them off. Immobilize the finger (see old school’s suggestion), apply ice packs and keep it elevated (above your heart) to reduce the swelling. See a doctor as soon as possible.
  • I have broken all of my fingers so many times before and the doctors can't do anything for them so I would probally either tape two fingers together or go buy a splint you probally don't need to go to the doctor. How did you break your finger anyways and what finger is it?

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