• That usually the person kicking the tires doesn't have clue why he is doing it.
  • Allegedly, people walking round a used car lot kick the tyres of the cars they are looking at. This is a completely useless action that tells them nothing about the car, so "tyre kicker" is someone paying attention or showing interest who doesn't actually know anything about what he is looking at.
  • Dang it! I wanted to find the answer. So is a tire-kicker exploring all options or completely clueless? Awesome question.
  • To me it means examination of a used car to determine flaws and work that needs to done on it. I really kick the tires to see if there is any play in the front wheel bearings and to see if the shocks are good as well as pushing down on both the front and rear bumpers to see if the shocks are good. I also listen to it run to hear for valve leaking noises, and valve lifter noises that may show misadjustment or wear and that all cylinders are firing evenly and equally and if the exhaust system is leaking. I look underneath at the frame, muffler, tail pipe, catalytic converter and other parts (oil and transmission pan) to see if there is any damage or dents from hitting road hazards. I also look carefully around the car for dents, paint damage and scratches. As I drive it I listen for rattles and wind noises that may show it has been damaged and repaired but things don't fit perfectly. Also, I check performance and acceleration as I drive. Etc. etc.
  • I found this: its a term from when early settlers would test wagons to see if they were durable and well made b/c many ppl were selling wagons with rotted wood. They would kick the tires to see if the wagon would buckle...

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