• For some people, they just like the way it sounds and lyrics isn't as important. I like melodic death metal because of the sweet sounding guitars, even though it's hard to understand all that growling, you get what I'm saying?
  • Could it be the pervasive propagandization of the West by Communist sympathizers? Mmmmmmm ... could be. I find it exceedingly odd that American "journalists" tend to romanticize anything and everything Chinese. They conveniently overlook the fact that Communist China is the single most bloodthirsty nation in the history of the world! Chairman Mao slaughtering many times the souls than had Hitler. Music can't heal that savage breast.
  • My dad's Chinese-Indonesian so I'm learning Chinese, and listening to Chinese music helps me learn the language. Aside from learniing the langauge, the non-Chinese people who like C-pop probably got into it through Chinese friends or maybe their intersted in Chinese (pop)culture.

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