• I believe it aids with concentrations and visualisation. For example with kissing, it helps savour the moment.
  • close our eyes when we dream? dreaming while asleep? its impossible to sleep with your eyes open
  • Because when we are thinking and kissing we want to block the world out and concentrate on one thing.
  • People dream when they're asleep. Most people sleep with their eyes closed. I don't cry with my eyes closed. I may blink more, or scrunch them up in pain, but they're still at least partially open. The only time I can remember crying with my eyes closed was during childbirth, and that was more to do with sheer exhaustion than anything else. As for kissing - I kinda like opening my eyes sometimes. It's really funny looking at the other person with their eyes closed :)
  • Savoring the flavor.
  • Close your eyes when we pray because we need to be less distracted, when you dream-you mean daydream? when we kiss- that's tricky when I kiss my dog, chinchilla and hamsters I like to keep my eyes wide open in care they decide to take a chunk out from my nose, their expressions tells you see- for human it's the same but the other way round - you'er afraid that the person is staring right in your face and being that close it is not comforting especially if it is a long kiss- ps what if the eyes suddenly get crossed? hehe..
  • I think its because they are PURE moments and the eyes cant bare to see them... blinding purity ;)
  • Because sight can be a distraction during those times? And I don't always close my eyes when I kiss.
  • I think closing the eyes is the best way to Concentrate on required thing.
  • When we dream, we are asleep, hence our eyes are already closed. When we pray, it's a private time that we are usually sharing with someone whom we love and cared for deeply and closing our eyes helps us to envision them and feel closer to them. When we kiss, well, I have to agree with most of the other answers, concentration, blocking out the world, and yes savoring the flavor. When we cry, well, that is another type of moment and it depends on the reason for crying.
  • My eyes hurt when I'm crying, that's why I squeeze them shut. I guess you could also say its an attempt to block out things that I'm not interested in at the time of my sadness, but I think its a physical pain thing as much as emotional. I don't close my eyes when I'm imagining things, such as drawing a picture or writing a story, I sort of stare blankly ahead and envision the scenes happening in my mind, or focus on an image that resembles the scene I'm working on and imagine it coming to life. Nice question!
  • Let me ask you a question. Why do cats close their eyes when they drink milk? They don't close their eyes while tearing apart a mouse. Any physical or mental activity of ours which we love from the depths of our hearts are best enjoyed without the disturbance of real optic images intruding. Eyes of the most poerful of the five senses we posesses in that they can engage our minds most absorbingly. The swamis advise us to keep our eyes closed while meditating. Its because the concentration of mind gets disturbed with visual images getting in the way of the mind. So all things, except perhaps crying, in your list are done best without intrusion of vision. Our mind orders our eyes to remain closed. We do it without being aware of it.
  • I close my eyes when I kiss my bf because I want to only think of the kiss. I don't want to be distracted by what's going on around us. I think having our eyes closed during the times you mention keeps us focused as well.
  • bcz we don't want to see anything at that time.just feel it.
  • Its phantacy, you cannot imagain with your eyes open.

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