• Yes, and this is why it is considered a continent and Arctica is not.
  • Yes - whereas the Arctic is just an ice cap.
  • She means "there" sensitive dweeb. Some of us understood. Did you all know that the North pole, Arctic ocean has the world's largest reserves of oil? follow link.
  • Yes it is a huge continent comparabel to the UDA in size, with high mountains and even a few volcanoes, such as Mt erebus.
  • I mean USA, of course, typing too fast as usual Here are some facts : Area: 1.4 times bigger than the USA, 58 times bigger than the UK 13,829,430 km2 5,339,543 miles2 Ice-free area (0.32% of total) 44,890 km2 17,330 miles2 Largest Ice Shelves Ross ice shelf: (about the size of France) 510,680 km2 197,974 miles2 Ronne-Filchner ice shelf: (about the size of Spain) 439,920 km2 169,850 miles2 Mountains Transantarctic Mountain chain: 3,300 km 2,050 miles Highest 3 mountains: Mt. Vinson - 4,892 m / 16,050 ft (sometimes called "Vinson Massif") Mt. Tyree - 4,852 m / 15,918 ft Mt. Shinn - 4,661 m / 15,292 ft ref:
  • Yes: "A layer of ice up to two miles thick covers a continent as big as the United States and Mexico combined. Antarctic ice contains 70% of the world's fresh water (90% of the world's ice). If it were divided up, every person on Earth could have a chunk of ice larger than the Great Pyramid. Although 98% of Antarctica is ice, there is land underneath the ice cover, unlike the Arctic where the ice floats on top of the ocean." Source and further information:

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