• B equals 180-65*2 that is, 50
  • "In an isosceles triangle, two sides are of equal length (originally and conventionally limited to exactly two). An isosceles triangle also has two equal angles: the angles opposite the two equal sides." "The angles of a triangle in Euclidean space always add up to 180 degrees." Source and further information: We have here an isoceles triangle, with two equal angles, C (opposite to AB) and A (opposite to BC). So we can write following three statements: C = 65° C = A A + B + C = 180° Let's extract B from the third statement: B = 180° - (A + C) Use "A = C": B = 180° - 2*C Use "C = 65°": B = 180° - 2*65° = 180° - 130° = 50°

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