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  • Don't get it in there in the first place. If that's not an option, there's probably some chemical that'll either overload the test or neutralize the THC. Maybe a mouth full of corn starch would do it.
  • Well, um, er, ya know, it's not so much the mouth, but rather the saliva, from which is excreted by the gland bearing the same name. it's located under the tongue, and below your front bottom teeth. We all know what saliva does of course, but in this case, it's being used to tell if one has been naughty or not, concerning the inhalation of the weedis du cannabis, skunky plant, KGB from the god's, or just one's left over shake, sticks, and seeds, pew! The saliva also carries out certain impurities of the body into ones digestive tract, and all by just swallowing. THC, and other chemicals that one may to come to store themselves in a body are first found, and if deemed a foe, out it goes with the next batch of mouth moistening natures Gatorade, yeah SPIT! So, actually doing something to the mouth will only perhaps deter that load of saliva just deposited, and sure as the sun rises, so will be coming that next refreshing ooze of gum juice to re-infest your oral cavity with the nassy ole evidence those bastards are trying to legally seek out of you. THC, depending on how long one has smoked it in session, as well as strength of the doob, and of course, when the last one ya had are all factors to longevity with-in ones system. Count on at least 30 days minimum and on up from there. Good thing they aren’t doing a hair test, they can go back years if ones hair is long enough, and don't try and fool them by shaving the ole noggin sprouts, as they will yank out a pube on ya, and we all know how long those baby’s have been down there without cuttin, and you just gave them probably more to find farther back. So, all and all, we must ask ourselves, to doob, or not to doob, I say to ourselves, because now-a-days, they don't have to, they just find it. good luck, and Peace!
  • Well directly in your mouth I would brush my teeth, scrub my tongue, and rinse with mouth wash. That should 'clean your mouth'. THC won't show up in new saliva for about 15 minutes after you use marijuana. If someone were to be testing you for THC they wouldn't use a mouth swab they would 85% of the time take a urine sample. Even if they did use a swab, they might not even be testing for drugs, so you could be in the clear all along. If you are facing an up coming drug test, give yourself about 2 weeks to prepare and drink about 15 cups of green tea (Bigelow is a good brand) a day. The antioxidant rich tea flushes THC out of your body faster than anything else.
  • im so sick or different answers to this question what the hell is the straight up truth..ive heard if u rinnse with mouth wash 30 minutes before the test that works..ive also heard chew gum..ive also heard it only shows up if u have smoked 24 hours before and no less...ive also heard nothing works..i have a test in a few days and i last smoked 10 days scared
  • Be careful, because they can test the air in a room for THC, now.
  • You will test clean: 24 hours for a mouth swab; 30 days for a pss test; and 1 year (or more) for hair. Beating a high quality test is almost impossible.
  • no answer just question: what if the swab doesn't touch anything but the teeth?? a misread??
  • However there are disadvantages and those mostly relate to the short drug detection time limitation of saliva drug tests. Simply put saliva cannot be used to detect historical drug use. Most drugs do not linger in saliva and disappear in anywhere from twelve to twenty four hours. Because of this saliva testing is being considered for drug detection in situations where recent drug use must be detected including vehicle and equipment drivers, those involved in workplace or other accidents and not as a use to detect past drug use.

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