Patio furniture and a grill.
Squirrels, foxes, a few deer, and someone's lab We are flooded out here.
a wooden table
Chairs and ashtrays.
Lawnmower, weedeater, another pet carrier, some cinder blocks, and two more gas cans.
My back porch is a pad that is level with the ground. It is about 50 feet long and 15 feet deep. It has chairs, a grill, planters, tools, trash cans, toys, tables, a swing, and just about everything people keep outdoors.
I don't have a back porch, I have a deck though. Currently there's a grill and two labs sunning on it :)
Just a clothes pin bag, I already put the deck furniture away for the winter.
My pool, grill, patio furniture, some plants, a fire pit, & a deck box for pool supplies.
Aren't you clever. A swing, a variety of other plants, BBQ, and deranged rag doll kitty named Cooper.:D
plants, swing, bbq grill, table, heater.
My back balcony is where the washing machine and clothes lines are.
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